March 24, 2020 at 5:30 PM - Regular
Public Notice |
1. Call to Order, Invocation, and Pledge to the Flag
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Approval of Minutes for February 10, 2020, February 20, 2020, and March 2, 2020
4. Acknowledgements - Simmons Girls Basketball Teams
5. Approval of Consent Agenda:
5.1. Approval of Review of Policy Section E
5.2. Approval of Certified and Non-Certified for 2020-2021 school year
5.3. Approval of District Calendar 2020-2021
5.4. Review of Annual Board Calendar
5.5. Approval of District Organizational Chart (Policy CC)
5.6. Approval of Personnel Agenda
6. Financials:
6.1. Approval of Claim Dockets 010635 - 010850 - (Policy DJ & IB)
6.2. Transfer of Funds (Policy DCI)
6.3. Statement of Fund Balances February 2020 (Policy DGA)
6.4. Revenue Budget (Policy DIB)
6.5. Budget Status Statement (Policy DIB)
6.6. Cash Balance Statement
6.7. Bank Reconciliation Report
7. Discussion /Approval:
7.1. Approval of 5 Year Extension Lease for 16th Section Agriculture Land (590 acres - Patrick Smith)
7.2. Proposed Amendment to Policy BCAB (Regular Meeting)
7.3. Approval to Hire District Hearing Officer for Non - Renewal Hearing
7.4. Approval to Hire a Court Reporter for Non - Renewal Hearing
8. Superintendent's Report: (Policy CO) (Goal 6)
8.1. Trends and Updates in Education
8.2. Update on COVID-19
8.3. Transportation Update
9. Legal Updates
10. Adjournment (Policy BCBA)