October 8, 2018 at 5:30 PM - Regular
Public Notice |
1. Call to Order, Invocation, and Pledge to the Flag
2. Approval of Adoption of Agenda (Policy BCBD)
3. Approval of Minutes for September 17, 2018 and September 24, 2018 (Policy BCBHA)
4. Acknowledgements (Policy JF)
5. Consent Agenda (Policy BCBL)
5.1. Approval to Review Policy Section K, L, & M (Policy BDE)
5.2. Approval of revision of Policy DJD (Expense Reimbursements) (Policy BDC)
5.3. Approval of Data Collection Policy (Policy BDC)
5.4. Approval of New Policy DJEC (Federal Purchasing & Procurement) (Policy BDC)
5.5. Approval of New Policy DFCAA (Federal Loans and Grants) - (Policy BDC)
5.6. Approval of revised Policy FB (Policy BDC)
5.7. Approval of Second Revision of Policy DIB, IHE, IHF, JCDBB, JDDA-P & JGFB (Policy BDC)
5.8. Approval of Out-of-State Travel (SJSHS "Dub Club") (Policy EDD)
5.9. Approval of Personnel Agenda (Policy GBD)
5.10. Approval of Resignation of School Board Attorney
5.11. Approval of Advance Travel (Policies BBBC, BBBF, GAD, & DJD)
5.12. Approval of Maintenance Report (Policy EB)
5.13. Approval of Inventory Report (Policy DM)
5.14. Approval of Transportation Report (Policy EDA)
5.15. Approval of Test Security Plan
5.16. Approval of Agreement between BUSE Educational, LLC and Hollandale School District (Policy BBG)
5.17. Approval of FY 19 IDEA Part B Budget
5.18. Approval of English Learner Manual
5.19. Approval of Consolidated Application for Federal Programs
5.20. Approval of Fundraiser(s) (Policy JK)
6. Informational
6.1. Tentative Work Session for October 29, 2018 at 9:30 a.m.
6.2. Red Ribbon Week
7. Discussion & Approval: (Policy KB)
7.1. Discussion of MSBA's Legislative Survey
7.2. Principal's Report
7.3. COPS Grant
7.4. Opening of Bids for School Board Attorney
8. Superintendent's Report (Policy CO)
8.1. MDE Recommendation for Accreditation for 2017-2018
8.2. MSBA Board Awards
8.3. Current Trends and Updates in Education
9. Financials:
9.1. Approval of Claim Docket(s) 00007214 - 007369 (Policy DJ & IB)
9.2. Transfer of Funds (Policy DCI)
9.3. Approval of Fund Balances (Policy DGA)
9.4. Approval of Loans from District Maintenance (Policy DI)
9.5. Approval of Receivables (Policy DI)
9.6. Approval of Activity Report (Policy DK)
10. Consideration for Closed Session: Legal Updates (Formal Complaints Updates- SPED) (Policy GBO, AA, IDDF)
11. Adjournment (Policy BCBA)