November 9, 2017 at 5:30 PM - Regular
Public Notice |
1. Call to Order, Invocation, and Pledge to the flag
2. Adoption
3. Approval of October 09, 24, and 31, 2017 Minutes
4. Acknowledgements
5. Consent Agenda
5.1. Approval of Policy IDE-Gifted Education Program
5.2. Approval of Policy IDDFAAA-Confidentiality of Data of Students with Disabilities
5.3. Approval of Policy IDDH-Section 504-Americans With Disabilities Act- Non Discrimination
5.4. Approval of Advanced Travel
5.5. Approval of Inventory Report
5.6. Approval of Policies GAA -GDI
5.7. Approval of Contract with Joint Operation of the Washington County Youth Court School
5.8. Approval of Drop-Out Prevention Plan
5.9. Approval of Fixed Assets Deletions
5.10. Approval of Instructional Management Plan
6. Discussion
6.1. Approval of Personnel Agenda
6.2. Approval to advertise for Behavior Support /ISS Instructor
6.3. Approval to advertise for Behavior Specialist
6.4. Approval of Opening of Bus Bids
6.5. Approval of Fundraisers
6.6. Approval to set date for December Board Work Session
6.7. Approval of Accreditation Support Specialist
6.8. School Administrators' Reports
7. Informational
7.1. Maintenance Up-dates
7.2. Fundraiser up-dates
7.3. NISL Training
7.4. School Visits
7.5. Ministers' Community Meeting
7.6. Immunizations
8. Financials
8.1. Activity Reports
8.2. Claims Docket
8.3. Board Report Revenue
8.4. Fund Balance Analysis
8.5. Transfer of Funds
9. Legal Up-dates
10. Adjournment