June 29, 2017 at 4:30 PM - Special Called
Public Notice |
1. Call to Order, Invocation, and Pledge to the Flag
2. Adoption of Agenda
3. Approval to make June 29, 2017 Special-Called meeting a part of the Minutes
4. Approval of June 12, 2017 Minutes
5. Acknowledgements
6. Consent Agenda
6.1. Approval of Out of District Travel
6.2. Approval of 2017-2018 District Calendar
6.3. Approval of Date Changes for Fundraisers
6.4. Approval of MDE Grant for Specified Services
6.5. Approval to move Regular Scheduled July 10, 2017 Board Meeting to July 24, 2017
6.6. Approval to Advertise for bids for District Supplies, District Services, Athletic Equipment & Supplies, School Day Pictures, and Gas/Diesel
6.7. Approval of Asset Disposal
6.8. Approval of Budget Resolutions
6.8.1. District Maintenance & Local Contribution to MAEP
6.8.2. Qualified School Construction Bond Note
7. Approval to Adopt Policies A, B, C, K, and L
8. Approval to Review Policies J, M, and I
9. Discussion
9.1. Sixteen Section (Hunting and Fishing) Bids
9.2. Cops (Presentation)
9.3. Consultant Recommendations
9.4. Approval to solicit funds and donations for Football Scoreboard
9.5. Expert Citizens License
9.6. Home Insurance Agency
9.7. Personnel Agenda
10. Financials
10.1. Claims Dockets
10.2. Board Report Revenue
10.3. HSD Budgets 2017-2018
10.4. Tentative Receivables 2016-2017
10.5. Tentative Loans from District Maintenance 2017
10.6. Tentative Fund Balance
10.7. Transfer from 16th Section Rent Fund to District Maintenance
11. Superintendent's Report
12. Adjournment