March 21, 2017 at 5:00 PM - Regular
Public Notice |
1. Call to Order and Invocation
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Approval of the Minutes for February 13, February 17, & February 27, 2017
4. Approval of Consent Agenda:
4.1. Approval of Resignation of Staff
4.2. Approval of Recommendation of Staff
4.3. Approval of Recommendation of Substitute Staff
4.4. Approval to Move T.R. Sanders' Trip to New Orleans to March 31st
4.5. Approval to Continue Agreement with LAMAR
4.6. Approval to Advertise for a SPED Director
4.7. Approval of Request for Students to Travel to UAPB Pine Bluff Arkanses @ Their Expense
4.8. Approval of Agreement Between HSD & Millcreek of Pontotoc Schools
4.9. Approval of Facility Use/By Staff
5. Approval to Explore/Advertise for Bus Maintenance Provider
6. Approval of Facility Rental
7. Approval of EL Policy/Forms (Title I)
8. Approval for Students to Participate in Prymid Program
9. Approval of Extended Year
10. Informational
10.1. Discussion of Employee Sick/Absentee Days
11. Financials
11.1. Claims Docket #154642 to #154991
11.2. Revenue
11.3. Transfer of Funds
11.4. Budget Comparison
11.5. Expense Report
11.6. Fund Balance Analysis
12. Superintendent's Report
12.1. Attendance Report
13. Parent to Address the Board
14. Adjourn