October 8, 2015 at 5:00 PM - Special Called
Public Notice |
1. Call to Order and Invocation
2. Adoption of Agenda:
3. Approval of Minutes of September 3 and September 14, 2015
4. Consent Agenda:
4.1. Approval of Resignation of Staff
4.2. Approval of Recommendation of Staff
4.3. Approval of Disciplinary Action
4.4. Approval of Job Description
4.5. Approval to Advertise for Bids for 16th Section Land (16-15N-05W, 16-15N-06W, 16-16N-06W)
4.6. Approval to Advertise for Bids for Robotics Engineering Lab/Equipment
4.7. Approval of Advanced Travel
4.8. Approval of Agreement with MS Department of Human Services (TANF Work Program)
4.9. Approval of Lease Agreement with Apple Computers
4.10. Approval to Accept Dr. Pepper Snapple Group - KaBOOM Playground Grant
4.11. Approval to Enter Into Agreement with Consultant(s)
4.12. Approval to Delete Items from Fixed Assets
4.13. Approval of Financial Consultant
4.14. Approval of Amended Budget
4.15. Request to Move Regularly Scheduled November 9th Board Meeting to November 5th
4.16. Approval to Make Special Call Meeting October 8th Apart of the Board Minutes
5. Informational
5.1. Food Service Administrator Certification
5.2. State Finalist for the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics & Science Teaching
5.3. Board Member Survey
5.4. Board Member Report for Ethics Commission
5.5. Community Activity
6. Principals' Reports
6.1. Student, Parent, & Teacher of the Month SES, SJSHS
6.2. School/Student Achievement Reports SES, SJSHS
7. Financials
7.1. Claim Dockets and Activity Report
7.2. Financial Statements for the Month of September
7.3. Transfer Funds
8. Superintendent's Report
8.1. ACT Results
8.2. Enrollment and Attendance
8.3. MDE Vocational Inventory Results
8.4. Student Handbook 2015-2016
8.5. MDE Recommendation for Accreditation 2015-2016
9. Adjournment