May 21, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Public Notice |
Establish a quorum and call meeting to order
Opening Prayer & Pledges
Forum for community input
Recognize LOMS Leadership students
Consent Agenda
Monthly Check Register
Finance/Investment Report
Budget Amendments/Reallocation
Minutes from previous meeting
Administrative Team Reports
Consider and act on the Annual TREA Legal Services Program Agreement from Powell Law Group.
Consider and act on updating GKD (LOCAL) Policy.
Executive Session
551.074 Discuss personnel or to hear complaints against personnel
15.2. 551.071 Private consultation with the board's attorney
551.072 Discussing purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property
Consider and act on items discussed in the executive session.
Discuss and possibly approve Joe Sterner, as the new LOISD Chief of Security / Police
Consider and possibly approve the reassignment of Dr. Shannon Wilhite to the position of High School Principal beginning the 2024-2025 school year
Consider recommended changes to planned upcoming bond CTE renovations to include construction of an additional agricultural facility to meet the needs of students and increased participation in these programs.
Consider and possibly approve recommended reallocation, changes and additions for 2024-2025 staffing based on district resource needs
Review, possibly select and approve a GMP and a contract manager for the construction project of CTE Agricultural facility.