March 17, 2025 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Public Notice |
1. Call to Order and Invocation:
1.1. Roll Call & Establish Quorum
1.2. Prayer - Stacie Baber
1.3. Pledge - Students of the Month
2. TAPR Public Presentation:
3. Public Comments / Open Forum:
4. Principal Reports:
4.1. Students of the Month:
March Elementary : Savannah Welch and Ford Smith Junior High: Bailee Wheeler High School: Launa Coker |
4.2. Elementary Update:
4.3. Junior High and High School Update:
4.4. Discuss Secondary Honors Program.
5. Superintendent Report:
5.1. Discussion regarding registration for SLI Training
San Antonio dates: June 11th - June 14th Fort Worth dates: June 18th - June 21st |
6. Consent Agenda:
6.1. Minutes of the Regular Meeting on February 6, 2025
6.2. Budget Update - Approval of accounts payable, student activity, funds on hand/tax collections, budget analysis, and payroll summary.
6.3. Budget Amendment
7. New Business: Consider / Discuss:
7.1. Consider / Approve sick leave pool policy.
7.2. Consider / Approve Resolution of Investment Policies
7.3. Consider / Approve Fundraisers
7.4. Consider / Approve Staff Contracts (Closed Session)
7.5. Consider / Approve Transfers (Closed Session)
7.6. Consider / Approve Substitutes (Closed Session)
7.7. Consider / Approve action on Superintendent Contract for 2025-2026 (Closed Session)
8. Future Agenda Items:
8.1. Letters of Reasonable Assurance
9. Adjournment: