February 6, 2025 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Public Notice |
1. Call to Order and Invocation:
1.1. Roll Call & Establish Quorum
1.2. Prayer - Gary Diehl
1.3. Pledge - Students of the Month
2. Public Comments / Open Forum:
2.1. The public is invited to sign up and speak on matters of concern. The Board welcomes comments during the public comment part of the meeting. However, in accordance with the Texas Open Meeting Act, Board Members cannot discuss or vote on issues not posted on the agenda. Please limit comments to 5 minutes per speaker. (BED LOCAL) Sign in with recording secretary.
3. Principal Reports:
3.1. Students of the Month:
Elementary: Ella Gaar and Kaden MacKinnon Junior High: Zander Kelly High School: Matylda Hayes |
3.2. Elementary Update
3.3. Junior High & High School Update
4. Superintendent Report:
5. Consent Agenda:
5.1. Minutes of the Regular Meeting on January 13, 2025
5.2. Budget Update - Approval of accounts payable, student activity, funds on hand/tax collections, budget analysis, and payroll summary.
5.3. Budget Amendment
6. New Business: Consider / Discuss:
6.1. Consider/Approve TASB Policy Update 124
6.2. Consider/Approve Martin's Mill ISD Title I LEA Plan
6.3. Consider / Approve 2025-2026 School Calendar
6.4. Consider / Approve Dual Credit Policy for 2025-2026 Student Handbook -
6.5. Consider / Approve Landscaping Contract
6.6. Consider / Approve Martin's Mill ISD Revised Wellness Policy
6.7. Consider / Approve Administration Evaluations and Recommendations/contracts
6.8. Consider / Approve Fundraisers
6.9. Consider / Approve Transfers (Closed Session)
6.10. Consider / Approve Substitutes (Closed Session)
6.11. Consider / Approve Personnel (Closed Session)
7. Future Agenda Items:
8. Adjournment: