April 19, 2010 at 5:30 PM - Regular
Public Notice |
1. Call to order
1.A. Invocation
1.B. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Approval of Minute(s)
3. Presentation by JH Band
4. Report of Administrators
4.A. Elementary Principal
4.A.1. Enrollment Figures
4.A.2. Campus News
4.A.3. Miscellaneous
4.B. Junior High Principal
4.B.1. Enrollment Figures
4.B.2. Campus News
4.B.3. Miscellaneous
4.C. High School Principal
4.C.1. Enrollment Figures
4.C.2. Campus News
4.C.3. Miscellaneous
4.D. Athletic Director
4.D.1. High School Athletic News
4.D.2. Junior High Athletic News
4.D.3. Miscellaneous
5. Superintendent Report
5.A. Enrollment Figures
5.B. Fifth Six Weeks Honor Rolls and Failures
5.C. Update on District Project
5.D. District 7-2A Organizational Meeting
5.E. UIL News
5.F. C-Scope Overview for Board
5.G. TAKS Test Week - April 26-30
5.H. Ag Pickup
5.I. Miscellaneous
6. Petitions and Communications
7. Tax A/C Report
8. Budget Report
9. Quarterly Investment Report
10. New Business
10.A. Consideration and possible action on budget amendments
10.B. Consideration and possible action to apply for Texas Step Grant
10.C. Consideration and possible action on bid for property described as SUBD: Burkhart, Blk 44, Lot: PT 8-9 in Ballinger, Texas
10.D. Consideration and possible action for overnight Band trip
10.E. Consideration and possible action to change District Investment Officers
10.F. Consideration and possible action to remove Laura Strube and add Will Brewer to the Resolution for TexPool Investment Services for Public Funds
10.G. Consideration and possible action to remove Laura Strube and add Will Brewer to the Lone Star Investment Pool
10.H. Consideration and possible action to remove Laura Strube and add Will Brewer to the TexStar Investment Pool
10.I. Consideration and possible action on May Board Meeting dates (Canvas May 8, 2010 Board Election Results for Place 2)
10.J. Personnel
10.J.1. To deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline of a public officer or employee, including resignations and recommendations from the superintendent on items covered by this section
10.J.2. Discuss Personnel Matters with Superintendent
10.J.3. Resignations
10.J.4. Recommendations
10.J.4.a. Consideration of Term and Probationary Contracts for:
10.J.4.a.1. Superintendent
10.J.4.a.2. Teachers
11. Action, if any, of Matters Discussed in Closed Session
12. Adjournment