August 10, 2009 at 5:30 PM - Regular
Public Notice |
1. Call to order
1.A. Invocation
1.B. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Approval of Minute(s)
3. Update on DATE (District Award for Teacher Excellence)
4. Discussion on activities to replace the Homecoming Bon Fire
5. Superintendent Report
5.A. Update on New Elementary Wing - Ribbon Cutting on August 14 at 11:00 A.M.
5.B. Update on Summer Projects
5.C. Update on the Wireless WAN
5.D. August Inservice
5.E. District Accountability Ratings
5.F. Update 08/09 Budget
5.G. Continuing Education Credit Reporting Service (CECRS)
5.H. TASB Delegate for TASA/TASB Convention
5.I. Miscellaneous
6. Petitions and Communications
7. Tax A/C Report
8. Old Business
8.A. Consideration and possible action on Athletics Policy
8.B. Consideration and possible action on Co-Curricular Policy
9. New Business
9.A. Consideration and possible action on emergency adoption for DEC (Local) Compensation and Benefits Leaves and Absences in order to have the policy in place before the start of school
9.B. Consideration and possible action on the emergency adoption for EIC (Local) Academic Achievement Class Ranking in order to have the policy in place before the start of school
9.C. Consideration and possible action on Student/Parent Laptop Handbook and Acceptable Use Policy
9.D. Consideration and possible action on Student Handbook
9.E. Consideration and possible action on Student Code of Conduct
9.F. Consideration and possible action on Employee Handbook
9.G. Consideration and possible action on budget amendments
9.H. Budget Workshop #2
9.H.1. Certified Appraisal Roll
9.H.2. Review latest refined Tax & Revenue Budget Estimates
9.H.3. Provide direction for adjustment
9.H.4. State Fiscal Stabilization Funds (SFSF)
9.H.5. Adopt Proposed Tax Rate for inclusion in Notice of Public Meeting to Discuss Budget and Proposed Tax Rate
9.I. Personnel
9.I.1. To deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline of a public officer or employee, including resignations and recommendations from the superintendent on items covered by this section
9.I.2. Discuss Personnel Matters with Superintendent
9.I.3. Resignations
9.I.4. Recommendations
10. Action, if any, of Matters Discussed in Closed Session
11. Adjournment