November 18, 2020 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Public Notice |
1) Call to order Open Session in the Board Room of the Lovenberg Administration Building, 3904 Avenue T, Galveston, Texas.
2) Pledge of Allegiance to the United States flag and the Texas flag.
3) Citizen's Request to Address the Board on Agenda and Non-Agenda Items. Please complete sign-up sheets available in the lobby prior to the start of the meeting.
4) Superintendent's Report
4)A) Update on Returning to Learning 2020-2021
4)B) Request for Agenda items Update
4)C) Board Committee Reports
4)C)1) Policy Committee Chair- Mr. David O'Neal
4)C)2) Curriculum Committee Chair- Ms. Monica Wagner
4)C)3) Facilities/Finance Committee Chair- Mr. Johnny Smecca
5) Financial Reports
6) The Board may recess into Closed Executive Session in the Library as permitted by the Texas Open Meeting Act Government Code Sections 551.071- 551.090 Subchapter D and E.
Should any final action, final decision, or final vote be required in the opinion of the School Board with regard to any matter considered in such closed meeting then the final action, final decision, or final vote shall be either: A) in the open meeting covered by the Notice upon the reconvening of the public meeting; or B) at a subsequent public meeting of the School Board upon notice thereof; as the School Board shall determine. |
6)A) Personnel
6)B) Consultation with Attorney
6)C) Real Property
7) Reestablish the open meeting of the Galveston ISD Board of Trustees.
8) CONSENT AGENDA - Action Items
8)A) Consider approval of the minutes from the October 21, 2020 Regular Meeting.
8)B) Consider approval of the Board’s Time Use Tracker - October 21, 2020
8)C) Discuss and consider approval of the Board’s Quarterly Progress Tracker.
8)D) Consider approval of personnel resignations and recommendations with contracts.
8)E) Consider approval of November Budget Amendments
8)F) Consider approval of Gifts and Donations.
8)G) Consider approval of Purchases >$50,000
8)H) Discuss and consider approval of payment of Attorney fees.
8)I) Discuss and consider the approval for the Causeway Galveston program to apply for a grant from the MHA Center for School Behavioral Health. The amount of the award is $100,000.
8)J) Discuss and Consider for the 2020 2021 school year, delegating contractual authority to obligate the school district under Texas Education Code (TEC) 11.1511 to the superintendent, solely for the purpose of obligating the district under TEC, 48.257 and TEC, Chapter 49, Subchapters A and D, and the rules adopted by the commissioner of education as authorized under TEC, 49.006. This includes approval of the Agreement for the Purchase of Attendance Credit or the Agreement for the Purchase of Attendance Credit (Netting Chapter 48 Funding).
8)K) Discuss and consider RFCSP Contract for HVAC Supplies and Services.
8)L) Discuss and consider RFCSP Contract for Maintenance and Operating Supplies
8)M) Discuss and consider approval of the contract with Adaptive Behavior School East (Harris County Department of Education) for a student in GISD.
8)N) Discuss and Consider approval of deferred maintenance projects, not to exceed $460,000 utilizing fund balance, as presented.
8)O) Discuss and consider the approval for the Human Capital Management Department program to apply for the Texas Education Agency Mentor Program Allotment. The estimated amount of the award is $108,000.
8)P) Consider Secondary TEAL (Texas Education Agency Login) approver status for Lea Walker.
9) REGULAR AGENDA- Action Items
9)A) Administer Oath of Office to Single-Member Districts 5-E and 6-F.
9)B) Discuss and consider reorganization of Officers of the GISD Board of Trustees.
9)C) Discuss and consider Purchase of Real Property
9)D) Discuss and consider approval of a Resolution to authorize compensation of employees for the days when the District is closed due to Coronavirus 19.
9)E) Discuss and consider approval of resolution adopting a temporary ad valorem tax exemption pursuant to Governor Greg Abbott’s disaster declaration and Texas Tax Code §11.35.
9)F) Discuss and consider approval of resolution to commit fund balance.
10) Suggested Future Agenda Items
11) Board Comments
12) Adjournment