March 3, 2025 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Public Notice |
1. BOARD MEMBERS NOT PRESENT: _________________________________
Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance |
2. Adopt Order of Agenda
3. Superintendent's Report
3.A. Healing Gardens Presentation - Ms. Keeley Morgan
4. Mr. Jason Helton needs to leave the room.
Consent Agenda |
4.A.1. Docket of Claims:
4.A.1.a. Regular Docket Claim Numbers 137116 through 137217
Regular Docket Claim Numbers 137218 through 137316 Regular Docket Claim Numbers 137317 through 137403 |
4.A.1.b. Hand-Typed Checks Claim Numbers 137110 through 137115
4.B.1.a. Dixie Attendance Center
4.B.1.a.1. DX (1)
4.B.1.b. North Forrest Elementary
4.B.1.b.1. NFE (1)
4.B.1.b.2. NFE (2)
4.B.1.b.3. NFE (3)
4.B.1.c. North Forrest High
4.B.1.c.1. NFH (1)
4.B.1.c.2. NFH (2)
4.B.1.c.3. NFH (3)
4.B.1.c.4. NFH (4)
4.B.1.c.5. NFH (5)
4.B.1.c.6. NFH (6)
4.B.1.c.7. NFH (7)
4.B.1.d. Rawls Springs Attendance Center
4.B.1.d.1. RS (1)
4.B.1.d.2. RS (2)
4.B.1.d.3. RS (3)
4.B.1.e. South Forrest Attendance Center
4.B.1.e.1. SF (1)
4.B.1.e.2. SF (2)
4.B.1.e.3. SF (3)
4.B.1.e.4. SF (4)
4.B.1.e.5. SF (6)
4.B.2. Miscellaneous
4.B.2.a. Mr. James Magee to shadow Ms. Brittany Lenoir 10–15 hours a week from March to July;
4.B.2.b. Settlement Agreement and Release
4.B.2.c. Intersession Bus Driver - Spring 2025 Minimum
4.B.2.d. Policy Updates (First Read)
GABBA Social Media Websites, IJB - Acceptable Use, IJBB - Responsible Use of Technology, IJ-R Internet/Technology Acceptable Use, |
4.C.1. Non-Certified Personnel Leaving:
4.C.1.a. CO - Mr. Luke Daughtry
4.C.1.b. CO - Mr. Mike Harris
4.C.1.c. CO - Mr. Wesley Harris
4.C.1.d. NFH - Mr. Donnie Covington, Jr.
4.C.2. Non-Certified Personnel Recommended:
4.C.2.a. CO - Mr. Gavin Guy
4.C.2.b. CO - Non-Certified for 2024-2025 Spring Intersession
4.C.2.c. ET - Mr. Kevin Cochran
4.C.2.d. NFE - Ms. Akella White
4.C.2.e. SF - Ms. Savannah Davenport - Position
4.C.3. Certified Personnel Leaving:
4.C.3.a. NFH - Ms. Melanie Griffis
4.C.3.b. NFH - Ms. Laura Holifield
4.C.3.c. SF - Ms. Brittany Jones
4.C.4. Certified Personnel Recommended:
4.C.4.a. CO - Teachers for 2024-2025 Intersession
4.C.4.b. CO - Ms. Jill Stapleton 2024-2025
4.C.4.c. DX - Ms. Kathryn Abel
4.C.4.d. NFH - Ms. Emily Mitchell
4.C.4.e. NFH - Ms. Jamisha Oliver
4.C.4.f. ET - Teachers for after-school tutoring
4.C.4.g. SF - Ms. Jennifer Styron
5. Mr. Jason Helton may return to the room.
16th Section |
5.A. 16th Section Report
5.B. Lease # 312303
6. Financial
6.A. Bank Balances
6.B. District and Foundation Financials
6.C. Budget Amendments
6.D. Void Outstanding Checks
6.E. Nurse Salary Scale for 2025-2026
6.F. County Wide Non-Certified Salary Scale for 2025-2026
6.G. Maintenance Budget Amendment
7. Miscellaneous
7.A. Minutes
7.B. Student Disciplinary Review ID# 20250303-01
8. Public Participation
8.A. Ms. Lewronna Webster
8.B. Ms. Amanda Garner
9. Consider Executive Session
10. Enter Executive Session
11. Leave Executive Session
12. Adjourn
13.A. Monthly Workshop Compilation