January 14, 2019 at 7:30 PM - Regular Business Board Meeting
Public Notice |
1. Call To Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Petitions and Hearings
It is the practice of this Board of Education to provide a place on the agenda for and welcome comments and suggestions from the public. |
5. Recognition of District 88 Successes
5.A. Recognition of Doctoral Degree
6. Discussion Items Requiring No Action*
*These items will be considered as part of a Consent Agenda for January 28, 2019, unless otherwise decided by the Board. |
6.A. Financial Reports:
6.A.1) List of Bills for December 2018
6.A.1)a) Check #543942 to Sharon Kucik
6.B. Fundraiser Exceeding $1,000.00
7. Separate Action Items
7.A. List of Bills Exceeding $5,000.00
7.B. Authorization to Prepare Tentative Budget for 2019-20
7.C. Architect/Engineer Service Proposal - Roof Replacement Project
7.D. Donation
7.E. Personnel
7.F. Resolution in Support of Statewide Access to Property Tax Relief Grants
7.G. Title One Interpreter/Translator Position
8. Information/Discussion Items
8.A. Educational Focus Item for January 28, 2019
8.B. Credit Card Summary
8.C. Freedom of Information Requests
8.D. Strategic Planning Process Update
9. School Recognition - Assistant Principals
10. Board Member Report(s) / Future Agenda Items
11. Public Comments: Related to the discussion and/or actions of the
board on the above agenda items, for and welcome comments and
suggestions from the public.
12. Announcements:
Educational Focus Board Meeting: Monday, January 28, 2019, 7:30 p.m., District Boardroom located at District Administrative Offices, 2 Friendship Plaza, Addison, IL 60101. Regular Business Board Meeting: Monday, February 11, 2019, 7:30 p.m., District Boardroom located at District Administrative Offices, 2 Friendship Plaza, Addison, IL 60101. |
13. Closed Session Meeting
13.A. The appointment, employment,
compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of
the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an
employee to determine its validity.
14. Reconvene To Open Meeting
15. Roll Call
16. Action Necessitated By Closed Session
17. Adjournment