April 13, 2015 at 7:30 PM - Regular Business Board Meeting
Public Notice |
1. Call To Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Petitions and Hearings
It is the practice of this Board of Education to provide a place on the agenda for and welcome comments and suggestions from the public. |
5. Recognition of District 88 Successes
5.A. State and National Recognitions
5.B. 88's Best - February
6. Discussion Items Requiring No Action*
*These items will be considered as part of a Consent Agenda for April 27, 2015, unless otherwise decided by the Board. |
6.A. Financial Reports:
6.A.1) List of Bills - March 2015
6.B. Purchases:
6.B.1) Duplicating Paper - Addison Trail/Willowbrook/District
6.B.2) Custodial Supplies
6.B.3) Computer Network Server Replacement
6.B.4) Photography Services
6.B.5) Yearbook Services
6.B.6) Beverage Service Vending Contract Renewal
6.B.7) Snack Service Vending Contract Renewal
6.B.8) Special Ed Transportation Contract Renewal
6.C. Disposal List of Surplus Equipment
7. Separate Action Items
7.A. List of Bills Exceeding $5,000.00
7.B. Wireless Access Infrastructure Project (E-Rate)
7.C. Donations
7.D. Revised Board Policy - 7:180 Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment
7.E. Personnel
7.F. Resolution of Appointment to DuPage Area Occupational Education Systems (DAOES) Board of Directors
7.G. Resolution Authorizing the Elimination or Reduction of Certain Certified and Educational Support Employment Positions
7.H. Resolution Authorizing Re-Assignment and Transfer of Classified Administrator
7.I. Resolution Authorizing Re-Assignment and Transfer of Educational Support Personnel
7.J. Resolution Authorizing the Re-Assignment and Transfer of Teachers
7.K. Resolution Authorizing Notice and Honorable Dismissal of Certain Educational Support Personnel
7.L. Resolution Authorizing Honorable Dismissal of Teachers
8. Information/Discussion Items
8.A. Educational Focus Items for April 27, 2015
8.B. Freedom of Information Requests
8.C. Recognition of Tenure
8.D. Insurance (Medical & Dental) Premium Renewal Rates 2015-16
8.E. Preliminary Property Tax Extension 2014
8.F. Upcoming Board Committee Assignments
8.F.1) Art Shows - Addison Trail and Willowbrook
8.F.2) Koch, Rook, Foster, and District 88 Art Scholarships
9. School Recognition - Assistant Principals
10. Board Member Report(s) / Future Agenda Items
11. Public Comments: Related to the discussion and/or actions of the board on the above agenda items.
12. Announcements:
Educational Focus Board Meeting: Monday, April 27, 2015, 7:30 p.m., District Boardroom located at District Administrative Offices, 2 Friendship Plaza, Addison, IL 60101. Regular Business Board Meeting: Monday, May 4, 2015, 7:30 p.m., District Boardroom located at District Administrative Offices, 2 Friendship Plaza, Addison, IL 60101. |
13. Closed Session Meeting
13.A. The appointment, employment,
compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of
the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an
employee to determine its validity.
13.B. Litigation, when an action
against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed
and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public
body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for
the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed
13.C. Student disciplinary cases.
14. Reconvene To Open Meeting
15. Roll Call
16. Action Necessitated By Closed Session
17. Adjournment