December 19, 2016 at 7:00 PM - Called Meeting
Public Notice |
I. Call meeting to order.
II. Discussion/Action: Review potential Bond Refunding Program and consider adopting an Order Authorizing the Issuance of Refunding Bonds, Establishing the Parameters for the Refunding and Delegating Authority to the Administration.
III. Discussion/Action: Consider Legislative Session Resolution.
IV. Discussion/Action: Approve Investment Report ending November 30, 2016.
V. Discussion/Action: Consider amending the 2016-17 Elkhart I.S.D. Budget.
VI. Discussion/Action: Consider approving the 2016-17 District Improvement Plan.
VII. Discussion: Announce the training hours earned by board members from 01/01/16 through 12/6/16.
VIII. Discussion/Action: Review /approve administrative reports.
VIII.i. Minutes - November 21, 2016 called meeting
VIII.ii. Tax Report
VIII.iii. Financial Report
VIII.iv. Accounts Payable
VIII.v. Elementary Principal Report
| Intermediate Principal Report
VIII.vii. Middle School Principal Report
VIII.viii. High School Principal Report
VIII.ix. Technology Director Report
VIII.x. Food Service Director Report
VIII.xi. Director of Special Programs Report
VIII.xii. Superintendent Report
VIII.xiii. Miscellaneous
IX. Closed Session:
IX.i. Consider personnel matters with regard to confirmation of hiring/employing professional personnel, resignations, assignments and complaints.
IX.i.a. Hire nurse
IX.ii. Discuss addition to the 2016-17 Student Transfer List.
X. Discussion/Action: Consider items discussed in closed session.
XI. Adjourn.