July 29, 2019 at 4:00 PM - Insurance Committee Meeting
Public Notice |
3. ROLL CALL - Establish a quorum.
6. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Comments from the public are invited at this time on topics not specifically addressed elsewhere in the agenda. Items raised under this portion of the agenda cannot be deliberated or acted upon until the notice procedures of the open meeting law have been met. If you wish to speak on a matter not listed on the agenda, please step up to the front table, be seated, and clearly state your name. In consideration of others please avoid repetition. Your comments must be limited to no more than three minutes. Should you have more comments, you may submit them in writing to the Committee chair. Comments directed to the Committee as a whole, personal attacks, or slanderous remarks shall not be allowed.
7. (FOR DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION) Review current claims and plan, presented by Clark and Associates.
8. (FOR DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION) For Discussion and Possible Action regarding the wellness plan Go365. This item is being presented by Clark and Associates and representatives from Go365.
9. (FOR DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION) For Discussion and Possible Action regarding LCSD 2020 plan options and considerations. This item is being presented by Clark and Associates.
10. (FOR DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION) For Discussion and Possible Action to schedule area meetings with representatives from Clark and Associates with Insurance Committee members.
11. (FOR DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION) For Discussion and Possible Action to schedule August and September 2019 committee meetings.
12. (FOR DISCUSSION) For Discussion for members and employees to direct insurance health plan issues and concerns to Clark and Associates, LCSD Human Resources or LCSD Benefits manager.
13. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Comments from the public are invited at this time on topics not specifically addressed elsewhere in the agenda. Items raised under this portion of the agenda cannot be deliberated or acted upon until the notice procedures of the open meeting law have been met. If you wish to speak on a matter not listed on the agenda, please step up to the front table, be seated, and clearly state your name. In consideration of others please avoid repetition. Your comments must be limited to no more than three minutes. Should you have more comments, you may submit them in writing to the Committee chair. Comments directed to the Committee as a whole, personal attacks, or slanderous remarks shall not be allowed.