February 24, 2009 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Public Notice |
9. Note: The Committee reserves the right to take agenda items out of posted order.
10. APPROVAL OF AGENDA (Action will be taken): Move:____ Second:____ Vote:____
11. SUPERINTENDENT REPORT: Opportunity for Superintendent to report items of interest. Items to be presented but not limited to: (1) Recognition of Silver Springs Bus Driver Peggy Thomas and Silver Stage Middle School Student Danielle Moore for their quick response in helping a choking student. (2) Presentation by Silver Stage Middle School Teacher Trish Edmondson; Students Kasie Ramm, Daniel Harina, Angie Senour, Abby Bradley, Jake Jenson, and Haley Hangar; and Lumos & Associates Architectural Consultant Thomas Young on the Future Cities Teams. (3) Presentation by Silver Springs Elementary School Principal Pete Chapin and Teacher Frankie Peterson on their math program.
12. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS: Opportunity for Board Members to report items of interest.
13. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Opportunity for citizens to address the Board (no action will be taken on any items until it is properly agendized). Items raised under this portion of the agenda cannot be deliberated or acted upon until the notice procedures of the open meeting law have been met. If you wish to speak on a matter not listed on the agenda, please step up to the front table, be seated and clearly state your name and address. In consideration of others, please avoid repetition. Your comments must be limited to no more than three minutes. Should you have more comments you may submit them in writing to the Board Clerk. Comments directed to the Board as a whole, personal attacks, or slanderous remarks shall not be allowed.
15. CONSENT AGENDA: All matters listed under the consent agenda are considered routine, and may be acted upon by the Board of School Trustees with one action and without an extensive hearing. Any member of the Board, or any citizen, may request that an item be taken from the consent agenda, discussed, and acted upon separately, during this meeting.
16. Discussion and Possible Action on approval for 16-year old to take the GED. (confidential)
17. Discussion and Possible Action on Request for Early Graduation. (confidential)
18. Discussion and Possible Action on Sick Leave Bank Requests. Requests for withdrawals from employee sick leave bank. (confidential)
19. Discussion and Possible Action on Students Disciplinary Action and/or Behavioral Contracts. Closed session may be held. (confidential)
20. REPORTS: (a) Homeschool Report (confidential)
21. REPORTS: (b) Students Excused from Immunization Requirements (confidential)
22. REPORTS: (c) Use of Aversive Intervention (confidential)
23. REPORTS: (d) Exemption to LCSD Attendance Policy (confidential)
24. REPORTS: (e) Enrollment Report
25. REPORTS: (f) Out of State Travel Report
26. Discussion and Possible Action to approve out-of-state travel request:
27. Discussion and Possible Action on Acceptance of Donations.
28. Paybill: Discussion and Possible Action on Paybill. Approve claims and financial report as presented by Director of Business and Finance.
28.A. Motion to approve consent agenda: Move:____ Second:____ Vote:____
28.B. END OF CONSENT AGENDA. Action will be taken on all items.
30. Discussion and Possible Action to approve Letter of Support for and the Share Grant application to Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) for Hwy 95A, for upgrades to highway in front of Fernley High School. Move:____ Second:____ Action:____
31. Discussion and Possible Action to review and discuss the purpose of each fund; funding sources; and current financial condition.
Move:____ Second:____ Vote:____
32. ITEM 11: Discussion and Possible Action to purchase laptop computers and respective software for Board members to be able to use BoardBook's paperless agenda packet. Move:____ Second:____ Vote:____
33. ITEM 12: Discussion and Possible Action regarding Todd Cutler's special assignment contract days for 2007/2008 and 2008/2009. Move:____ Second:____ Vote:____
34. ITEM 13: Discussion and Possible Action on staff/administration reorganization due to declining enrollment. Move:____ Second:____ Vote:____
36. ITEM 14: Discussion and Possible Action on Policy JED - Attendance Policy, as a second and final reading. Move:____ Second:____ Vote:____
37. ITEM 15: Discussion and Possible Action to rescind Policy DBH - District Budget Policy, as a first reading. Move:____ Second:____ Vote:____
38. PERSONNEL: Note: Action may be taken on some or all items agendized within this section rather than idividually.
39. ITEM 16: PERSONNEL: A) Action to hold a closed session to discuss character, competence, physical or mental health or alleged misconduct may be held pursuant to NRS 241.033 for Natasha Valiska.
40. ITEM 16: PERSONNEL: B) Hires, Terminations, Resignations, Transfers/Reassignments.
41. ITEM 16: PERSONNEL: B) i. Licensed
42. ITEM 16: PERSONNEL: B) ii. Classified
43. ITEM 16: PERSONNEL: C) Request/Authorization for new position.
44. ITEM 16: PERSONNEL: D) Extra-Duty Contracts.
45. ITEM 16: PERSONNEL: E) Other Considerations as required: {closed session may be held}.
46. ITEM 16: PERSONNEL: E) i. Labor/Management Discussion/Negotiations Pursuant to NRS 288.
47. ITEM 16: PERSONNEL: E) ii. Termination, Arbitrations
48. ITEM 16: PERSONNEL: E) iii. Non-Renewal of Contracts
49. ITEM 16: PERSONNEL: E) iv. Use of Aversive Intervention
50. ITEM 16: PERSONNEL: F) Pending Litigation (closed session may be held)
51. ITEM 16: PERSONNEL: The following is a list of positions that are currently opened and being advertised to fill.