April 29, 2013 at 6:30 PM - Work Session with New Hope City Council
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Introductions
4. Update by city of New Hope on City Center Redevelopment
4.A. Review past steps and City Center Vision
4.B. Kmart/Wells Fargo acquisition/demolition
4.C. Meetings with key property owners
4.D. Meetings with potential developers/status
4.E. Space needs study for city hall/public safety facility approved by City Council
5. Review School District's long-term administration/transportation facility needs
5.A. Current facility needs
5.B. Consideration of space needs study
5.C. Potential benefit/cost-savings for both entiities to consider shared use facility
6. Future Steps/Meetings
7. Other Business
8. Adjournment