December 12, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
Brad Hinton
2. Invocation
3. Pledge of Allegiance
Ralph Ramon / Doug Neff
4. Employee of the Month
Valarie Morris
5. Campus Spotlight (Junior High)
John Rush
6. Open Forum / Public Comments
Brad Hinton
7. Consent Agenda
Bob Rauch
Action Required
7.A. Minutes from Regular Meeting- November 14, 2024
7.B. Accounts Payable
7.C. Financial Reports
8. Information
8.A. Board Policy Revision - BED (LOCAL)
Bob Rauch
Mr. Hinton and I visited with the school attorney and this is the recommended legal revision to BED (LOCAL) for your review.
8.B. Travis Gym
Clay Cade
Snyder ISD does not have an educational need for Travis Gym. We plan to solicit bids to see if there is any interest in purchasing the property. Any bids will be presented to the Board for consideration at a future meeting.
8.C. Educational Leadership Academic Partnerships Update
Dr. Jessica Gore / Clay Cade
After considering the options, the potential partnership opportunities have been narrowed down to UTPB and Texas Tech. Both offer financially competitive programs, high levels of support, and are regionally located. A second round of meetings have been scheduled with both, and we will present information at the board meeting.
9. Action Agenda
9.A. Consider and take action on Academic Stipend Schedule additions
Jessica Gore
During the compensation and stipend review process last summer, the GT stipend was inadvertently left off of the stipend schedule. This $500 stipend has been on the stipend schedule for the last 10+ years. We are requesting to add it back to the stipend schedule.
The Board recently approved adding PLC Lead Stipends for RLA and Math to the stipend schedule. We are requesting the PLC Lead Stipend to also include Science. |
9.B. Data Sharing Agreement with Texas Tech
Jessica Gore
This agreement authorizes data sharing with Texas Tech University as we continue our research partnership.
9.C. Consider and take action to approve contracts for certified personnel as presented
Bob Rauch
I recommend the attached list of certified personnel for approval. Both employees are pursuing Principal certification, and are being offered a 12-month classroom teaching contract, moving from a 10-month teaching contract to align with all Assistant Principals.
9.D. Bluebonnet Learning Curriculum 2025-2026
Bob Rauch
The TEA has rebranded the Amplify, Eureka, and Carnegie curricula and named it Bluebonnet Learning. The State Board of Education recently approved the Bluebonnet Learning curriculum. Snyder ISD has engaged in the Amplify, Eureka, and Carnegie curricula over the last three years through the Learning Acceleration Support Opportunities (LASO) Program and received around $1,000,000 in grant funds through Cycle 1 and Cycle 2. The LASO Cycle 3 grant application is due on Friday, December 13th, but, LASO Cycle 3 no longer supports Amplify, Eureka, and Carnegie curricula. If Snyder ISD continues with the Amplify, Eureka, and Carnegie curricula, we will not receive LASO Cycle 3 funding and we will fund the curricula on our own. However, LASO Cycle 3 does support and provide significant funding for the Bluebonnet Learning curriculum. In review of the Bluebonnet Learning curriculum, most of the lessons are identical to the Amplify, Eureka, and Carnegie lessons and should not create a significant change in instructional implementation. I am in full support of the Bluebonnet Learning curriculum as it mirrors Amplify, Eureka, and Carnegie and continues the curriculum stability and consistency we have been working toward over the past three years.
10. Superintendent's Report
Bob Rauch
10.A. May 2025 School Board Election
Bob Rauch
May 3, 2025, Election-Deadline to File Applications for Place on the Ballot-January 15, 2025-February 14, 2025.
2 At-Large Places up for election - Haley Leatherwood and Lauren Collier |
10.B. January- Middle of the year map testing
Bob Rauch
10.C. Facilities Committee
Bob Rauch
10.D. Superintendent Evaluation Process
Bob Rauch
You will receive a packet with instructions and forms to complete the Superintendent's Evaluation for the January 2025 Board meeting.
10.E. December Enrollment Comparison
Bob Rauch
10.F. Donation Tracker
Bob Rauch
10.G. January Board Meeting - Moved to the 16th due to Christmas Break
Bob Rauch
11. Executive Session (G1-G4)
The Board may go into closed session in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Government Code, Chapter 551, Subchapters D and E. Before any closed meeting is convened, the presiding officer will publicly identify the section or sections of the Act authorizing the closed meeting. All final votes, actions, or decisions will be taken in an open meeting. |
12. Reconvene from Closed Session
13. Adjourn