March 3, 2025 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Calling the Meeting to Order
Mrs. Luckenbach
2. Prayer
Mrs. Luckenbach
3. Comments from the Public
Mrs. Luckenbach
4. Communications from Administration:
a) Presentation - PASA Demographic Study b) Priority 4 Update
Mrs. Lorenz / Mrs. Ramos
5. Public Hearing - Presentation of Calallen ISD Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) 2023-2024
Mrs. Lorenz
6. Public Hearing - Public Comment
Mrs. Lorenz
7. Informational Reports:
a) Gifted and Talented Annual Report 2024-2025 b) Jobs and Education for Texans (JET) Grant c) 2023 Bond Finance and Projects Report d) 2024 Bond Finance and Projects Report
Mrs. Lorenz / Mrs. Ramos
8. Unfinished Business - None
9. New Business
9.A. By Common Consent the Board agrees to consider as one action item the following:
9.A.1. Consider approval of minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 10, 2025
9.A.2. Consider approval of Board resolution for submission of the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant
9.B. Consider and take possible action regarding proposed qualification of HVAC Test and Balance Services (2023 & 2024 Bond), including possible contract approval with qualified firms and delegation of authority to Superintendent or her designer to finalize negotiations and execute contracts
Mrs. Ramos
9.C. Review reconsideration procedures in EFB (LEGAL) and (LOCAL) Policy - Instructional Resources: Library Materials
Mrs. Lorenz
9.D. Consider approval of revision to BE(LOCAL) Policy - Board Meetings
Mrs. Lorenz
9.E. Consider approval of TASB Policy Update 124 affecting LOCAL policies: CAA (LOCAL); CDA(LOCAL); CY(LOCAL); DH(LOCAL); EHB(LOCAL); EHBB(LOCAL); FFG(LOCAL); GKA(LOCAL)
Mrs. Lorenz
9.F. Closed Session: This executive session is in accordance with Section 551.074: For the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee or to hear complaints or charges against a public officer or employee; and Section 551.0821: To deliberate a matter in which a public school student's personally identifiable information may be revealed.
Mrs. Lorenz
9.G. Consider approval of contract extensions for CISD Administrators, Directors, Coordinators, and Specialists
Mrs. Lorenz
9.H. Personnel - Consider approval of Resignations and Appointments
Dr. Flores
10. Adjourn
Mrs. Luckenbach