July 26, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
Open Forum
Call Meeting to Order
Roll Call
New Business
Action Items
The subjects to be discussed or considered or upon which any formal action may be taken are as follows: (Items do not have to be taken in the same order as shown on this meeting notice) |
1. Consent Adgenda
1.a. Financial Statements / Bills
1.b. Approval of Minutes
1.c. Budget Amendments
2. Information Items
2.a. Instructional Reports
2.a.1) STAAR and EOC Accountability Report 2020
2.a.2) Chief Instructional Report
2.a.3) Return to School Health Protocols
2.b. Financial Report
2.b.1) Notification of Intent to Apply for Federal Grants Including ESSER II, ESSER III, ESSA, and Perkins
2.b.2) Approve Dr. Chris Galloway and Jennifer Matteson as signatures on a new CD for DeKalb ISD.
2.c. Principal's Report
2.c.1) DES
2.c.2) DMS
2.c.3) DHS
2.d. Superintendent Report
3. Executive Session
Discussion of Personnel:
The Board was called into Executive session in accordance with the Texas Open Meeting Act, Government Code Chapter 551.074 Subchapter D and E. |
4. Texarkana College Memorandum of Understanding
5. Review and Adopt TASB Update 117
5.a. Review (LEGAL) Policies
5.b. Adopt (LOCAL) Policies
6. Consider and Approve DeKalb ISD CCMR Board Goals
7. Review and Adopt District Improvement Plan Objectives
8. Review and Adopt Campus Improvement Plan Objectives
9. Consider and Approve T-TESS appraisers for the 2021-2022 school year
10. Consider and Approve the DeKalb ISD T-TESS Observation Calendar
11. Review and Change Head of Maintenance and Head of Custodial from Non-Exempt to Exempt Positions
12. Consideration for the continuation of the Guardian Program