February 21, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
I. CALL TO ORDER Announcement of Quorum, Notice of Meeting Posting.
IV.A. Consider approval of Board Minutes for January 2024. - Louan Powers
IV.B. Consider approval of Tax Collection Reports. - Michael Carrales
IV.C. Consider approval of DEC(LOCAL) Policy. - Marybel Flores
IV.D. Consider approval for the 2024-2025 Southside High School Course Catalog. - Miguel Castillo
IV.E. Consider approval of Updated T-TESS Evaluation appraisers for the 2023-2024 School Year. - Miguel Castillo
IV.F. Consider approval of TEA "Other" Waiver. - Dr. Jodi Spoor
V.A. Presentation: Campus/Student VIP Award winners - Sylvia Rincon/Alejandra Gallego
V.B. Presentation: Accelerated Reader Campus Winner and AR Millionaires - Pam Stone
V.C. Presentation: Attendance Awards - Corina Sanchez
V.D. Presentation: Varsity Girls Basketball Recognition - Coach Jessica Cardenas
V.E. Presentation: Dance Team Red Jackets - Natalie Long
V.F. Presentation: Honor campus teachers of the year and announce the Southside ISD Teacher who will go on to represent Southside ISD with the KENS 5 Excel Award. - Marybel Flores
V.G. Presentation: Student Achievement and Progress: Goal 1 - Dr. Jodi Spoor/Miguel Castillo
V.H. Information: Review of Financial Statements - Michael Carrales
VI.A. Action
VI.A.1. Discuss and consider approval and authority to execute contract documents with Frost Bank for Banking Depository Services resulting from the advertised RFP-24-004 for an initial two(2) year term in accordance with the Texas Education Agency (TEA) contract term. - Dan Garza
VI.A.2. Discuss and consider approval and execution of an agreement with Tari, Inc., dba Jean's Restaurant Supply for the purchase of turnkey graphic design services and furniture purchase for various campus cafeterias for $577,488.90. - Dan Garza/Janie Ramirez
VI.A.3. Discuss and consider approval of the authority to utilize cooperative contracted vendors: Tari, Inc. dba Jean's Restaurant Supply in the estimated amount of $90,000, Ace Mart Restaurant Supply in the estimated amount of $50,000, and Mission Restaurant Supply in the estimated amount of $50,000 for various Cafeteria Equipment in the combined estimated amount of $190,000, for the remaining fiscal year through the BuyBoard Contract (386-22). - Dan Garza/Janie Ramirez
VI.A.4. Discuss and consider approval of the 2024-2025 Academic Calendar. - Dr. Jodi Spoor
VII. CLOSED MEETING The Board will adjourn to Closed Meeting in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code 551.071, 551.074, and, 551.076 to consider the following:
VII.A. Texas Government Code 551.074: Consider and discuss Superintendent Evaluation, contract, roles and responsibilities.
VII.B. Pursuant to Section 551.074 of the Texas Government Code, consider and discuss request to rescind resignation of at-will employee.
The Board will consider and take action if necessary on items considered in Closed Meeting |
VIII.A. Consider and take possible action regarding the Superintendent's evaluation and contract.
VIII.B. Consider and take possible action regarding request to rescind resignation of at-will employee.