February 25, 2019 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation and Pledge to Flag
3. Audience Comments - The board cannot respond to non-agenda items. Maximum five minutes per individual.
4. Facility Information
4.A. Construction Update - Johnny Owens, RLM General Contractors
5. Public Hearing
5.A. Hearing for Public Discussion of 2017-2018 Texas Academic Performance (TAPR) Report - Torri Miller
6. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
6.A. Minutes from Previous Meeting(s)
6.B. January Report of Bills Paid and Tax Collection Report
6.C. Budget Amendment(s)
6.D. At-Will Employment of Stacy Vance - Aide and Carol Dawson - Custodial
6.E. Annual Donation of $1,000.00 to the Winnsboro Community Foundation for the 2019 Graduation Celebration
6.F. Participation in the Winnsboro News Progress Edition
6.G. Adoption of the School Calendar for 2019-2020
6.H. Renewal of The City of Winnsboro Joint Election Agreement for the May 4, 2019, Board of Trustee Election as Mandated by the State of Texas
6.I. Renewal of the Wood County Interlocal Agreement for the May 4, 2019, Board of Trustee Election
6.J. Renewal of the Wood County Interlocal Agreement for Oil, Sand and Related Services
6.K. Sale of Old, Nonworking Ag Plasma Table to Gene Graze Baze for the Amount of $2,000.00
6.L. Change the Date and Location of the Regular March Board Meeting from March 18, 2019, to March 25, 2019, at the Elementary School Library at 7:00 p.m. (Date Changed Due to Spring Break)
7. Information Reports
7.A. Kudos for Kids
7.B. Students of the Month
7.C. Education Foundation Presentation - Adriana Weems, WISD Communications Specialist
8. Items of New Business
8.A. Consider/Action on Donation of Classroom Supplies from DonorsChoose.org/Sonic for WES, Value of $504.18
8.B. Consider/Action on Approval to Request Proposals for the Greenhouse for the New High School Career and Technical Education (CTE) Program
8.C. Consider/Action on the Purchase of Band Equipment and the Transfer of Funds from the Undesignated Fund Balance in the Amount of $130,000.00
8.D. Consider/Action on the Request to Purchase Approximately 31 Acres, Located on County Road 4200, Wood County, Texas for the Purchase Price of $4,000.00 Per Acre and Fees, Exact Acreage to be Determined by a New Survey, and Approve the Transfer of Funds from the Undesignated Fund Balance in the Amount of $140,000.00
9. Personnel
9.A. Consider/Action on Contract Renewal for Assistant Superintendent, Campus Administrators and Directors
10. Superintendent Reports
10.A. Principal and Directors' Reports
11. Student Matters
11.A. Consider/Action on Student Discipline Issue - Executive Session
12. Adjournment