July 15, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Public Hearing to Discuss Eustace ISD Federal Programs & Grants
2. Call to Order
2.A. Announcement by the chair as to the presence of a quorum, notice of meeting duly posted, and that the meeting has been called to order
3. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
4. Closed Meeting
4.A. Personnel (§551.074)
4.A.1. Discussion of Possible Interim Superintendent Candidates
4.B. Safety Update
4.C. Public School Student (Gov't Code § 551.0821)
4.C.1. Student Transfers
5. Reconvene Into Open Session
5.A. Announcement by the chair that the Board has concluded it's closed session discussions as permitted by Texas Government Code, Section 551.074 of the Open Meetings Act, and is reconvening in open session.
6. Public Comments/Testimony
7. Take any Necessary Action on Closed Session Items
8. Presentations/Communications
8.A. Safety & Security Update
8.B. Facilities and Construction Update
9. Consent Agenda
9.A. Consider Possible Approval of Meeting Minutes
10. Review Student and Employee Handbooks
11. Consider Possible Approval of Student Code of Conduct
12. Consider Possible Approval of Cafeteria Purchases of Food and Non-food Items from Labbatt, Sysco and Highland.
13. Review and Consider Region 7 Contracts
14. Discuss and Consider Dates for 2024-25 Regular School Board Meetings
15. Consider Possible Approval of Safety Grant Fencing Update
16. Consider Possible Approval to Update Current Access Control in the District
17. Second Read on Proposed Change to Policy EIC (Local)
18. Consider Designees for Truth in Taxation
19. Consider Student Insurance
20. Consider Worker's Comp Insurance Addendum
21. Consider Possible Approval of the Auditing Firm Axley & Rode for 2023-2024 Fiscal Year Audit
22. Consider Possible Approval of Budget Amendments
23. Discuss Tax Rate Adoption Process
24. Consider and Approve Proposed Tax Rate and set Date, Time and Location for Public Hearing
25. Reports to Board
25.A. Business Reports
25.A.1. Monthly Financial Summary Including Fund Balance
25.A.2. Monthly Summary of Bills
25.A.3. Investment Report
25.A.4. 2024/25 Budget Update
25.B. Superintendent's Reports
26. Adjourn