February 10, 2025 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
I. Call to Order and Announcement of Quorum Present by the President
I.A. Members Present/Members Absent
II. Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance
III. Comments from Visitors
IV. Report from Principals and Recognition of Exemplary Students/Programs/Enrollment
V. Recommended Action
V.A. Consent Agenda
V.A.1. Approval of the minutes for the January 2025 meeting.
V.A.2. Financial Report
V.B. New Business
V.B.1. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Sections 551.129, 551.071, seek advice from legal counsel regarding proposed terms and conditions related to pre-bond planning services.
V.B.2. Board Workshop to Discuss Bond Information and Planning
V.B.3. Consider, and take action as appropriate, on Athletic Director Contract.
V.B.4. Consider, and take action as appropriate, on Superintendent Recommendations for Administrator Contracts.
V.B.5. Public Hearing to Discuss Facility Planning Committee Recommendations and Possible Bond Election.
V.B.6. Consideration and approval of a resolution approving an engagement agreement for bond counsel legal services with Walsh Gallegos Kyle Robinson & Roalson, P.C and Cantu Harden Montoya LLP; and other matters in connection therewith.
V.B.7. Consideration and approval of an order calling a bond election to be held by the Hico independent School District, making provision for the conduct of a joint election, and resolving other matters incident and related to such election.
V.B.8. Consideration and approval of a resolution relating to establishing the District’s intention to reimburse itself for the prior lawful expenditure of funds relating to constructing and equipping various District improvements from the proceeds of tax-exempt obligations to be issued by the District for authorized purposes; authorizing other matters incident and related thereto; and providing an effective date.
V.B.9. Consider, and take action as appropriate, to approve Board Policy Update 124.
V.B.10. Consider, and take action as appropriate, to Approve Election Clerks and Judges.
V.B.11. Consider, and take action as appropriate, to approve the IT services contracts with MasterTech IT Services.
V.B.12. Consider, and take action as appropriate, to approve the contract with ARMKO Industries.
VI. Superintendents' Report
VII. Discuss/Action: Employment, resignation, reassignments:
VIII. Adjourn