December 10, 2024 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Opening of Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer
3. Presentation by Elementary UIL Oral Reading Participants
4. Establish a Quorum
5. Open Forum
6. Consent Items:
7. Discuss Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC's Proposed Tramission Line Project.
8. Appoint an Additional Board Member to The Gustine ISD Safety and Security Committee.
9. Discuss and possible approval of the LASO Grant for 2024-2025.
10. Discuss and possible approval of Policy Change DC(LOCAL) Employment of all Personnel.
11. District Report:
Campus Report-Joanne Morton
Superintendent Report-Kelly West Senior Citizen Passes
Gym Foyer Access School Information Platforms Student Achievement Awards Funding Update |
12. Discussion and possible action concerning employee bonuses.
13. Discussion and Possible Action concerning Construction of New Ag Building.
14. Discussion and possible action concerning Interim Superintendent and Superintendent Search.
15. Discussion and Possible Action concerning District employee job performance
16. Adjourn