February 10, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting of the School Board
Minutes | |||
I. Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance
II. Mission Statement
III. Roll Call
MEMBERS PRESENT: Eric Griffith, David Hokanson, Jodi McShane, Ashley McFarland, Matthew Munger (virtual), Tim Peterson, Wayne Whitwam, Superintendent, Lance Takkunen, Director of Business Services
VISITORS: Sarah Turcotte, Jason Wilcox, Lori Sinnott, Lindsey Beier, Bill Wietman, Kristal Berg, Abigail Kipka, Grace Billman, Heather Holst, Gretchen Appelwick, Julie Patton |
IV. Approve Agenda
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V. Approve Consent Agenda
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V.A. Approval of Minutes of Previous Board Meeting: January 27, 2025
V.B. Approval and authorization of audited vouchers for payment #115886-115991 charged to the following funds and the Bank and Electronic Transfers:
V.C. Approval of Personnel Items
VI. Resolution to Accept Donations
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VII. Comments and Congratulations
VII.A. Elementary, Middle, High School, and Community Education Reports
Appelwick. Recognized that last week was National School Counselors Week. Thanked Kelsey Olin and Jessica Lennartson for organizing and carrying out the Kindness Retreat. The high school students were very helpful throughout the day. Also, recognized Olin and Holly Martin for receiving a $500 grant from the Northland Foundation for service learning with the fourth graders.
Berg. Let the Board know that the Proctor Hermantown Community Education Van is wrapped and in the parking lot! You can't miss it. Also, thanked Ashley McFarland and Wayne Whitwam for the letters of recommendation for the garden. |
VII.B. Elk's Senior Students of the Month - Addy Beck & Keatin Graves
VIII. Recognition of Visitor Business
No Visitor Business.
IX. Administrative Report
IX.A. Lance Takkunen - Ehlers School Finance Report
Lance Takkunen, Director of Business Services, used the Ehlers School Finance Report to project the financial health of the district for the next 1-3 years. The forecasted numbers showed a deficit spend that had administration recommend budget reductions in the amount of $750,000 for the 2025-2026 school year.
X. Correspondence
No Correspondence.
XI. Superintendent's Discussion Items
XI.A. Enrollment Update
We will look at open enrollment again after Kindergarten Roundup.
XI.B. Hermantown Recreation Initiative
Next meeting is Wednesday.
XI.C. District Office
The proposal has been presented to the Hermantown City Council. The entire YMCA expansion is projected to cost about $30 million, but they have to be able to extend the .5% sales tax and ask the voters to extend the duration of the sales tax. The district office being a part of that project is dependent on the City being able to pass both of those items.
XI.D. Negotiations Update
Last week we got notification from the paraprofessional group that they are ready to open negotiations. Also, recieved a letter that the Teachers group is also ready to open negotiations.
XI.E. Other
Barb Dorn with MSBA will be able to present to the Board regarding Superintendent Goals on May 12, June 12 or June 23. We will need to pick which date will be best for her to come to present to the Board.
XII. Committee Reports
Hokanson and McShane. Attended the Curriculum Committee meeting. Reviewed the cycles for curriculum, talked about staff development and review of PLC time with Mike Pothast.
XIII. Old Business
XIII.A. FY25 Revised Budget Approval
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XIV. New Business
XIV.A. American Indian Education Annual Compliance Review
XIV.B. Arena Locker Rooms
XV. Closed Session for the Purpose of Contract Negotiations
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XVI. Reopen Meeting to the Public
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XVII. Adjournment
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