January 27, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting of the School Board
Minutes | |
I. Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance
II. Mission Statement
III. Roll Call
MEMBERS PRESENT: Eric Griffith (absent), David Hokanson, Jodi McShane, Ashley McFarland (absent), Matthew Munger, Tim Peterson, Wayne Whitwam, Superintendent, Lance Takkunen, Director of Business Services
VISITORS: Sarah Turcotte, Jason Wilcox, Lindsey Beier, Lori Sinnott, Lynda Nikko, Christy L. Wilken, Brent Chouanard-Nguyen, Heather Holst, Bill Wietman, Gretchen Appelwick, John Muenich |
IV. Approve Agenda
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V. Approve Consent Agenda
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V.A. Approval of Minutes of Previous Board Meeting: January 13, 2025
V.B. Approval and authorization of audited vouchers for payment #115783-115885 charged to the following funds and the Bank and Electronic Transfers:
V.C. Approval of Personnel Items
VI. Resolution to Accept Donations
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VII. Comments and Congratulations
VII.A. Elementary, Middle, High School, and Community Education Reports
Whitwam. Recognized Transportation Director Jim Lennartson and bus driver Jim Hill who each came in an hour early to start buses and plug buses in so students could get on a warm bus on cold days.
Whietman. Recognized National School Counseling Week, which is the first week of February. Thanked the school counselors for all they do in each of our buildings. Appelwick. Recognized Minnesota Paraprofessional Week, which was last week. |
VIII. Recognition of Visitor Business
No Visitor Business.
IX. Administrative Report
IX.A. Christy Wilken - Elementary Special Education FAST Performance
Christy Wilken, School Psychologist, presented special education FASTbridge performance numbers from Fall 2023 to Spring 2024 compared to students in the general school population in each grade level.
X. Correspondence
Board members received correspondence regarding school being in session during cold weather. Board members responded with policy which has the threshold at -45 windchill. Board members also received correspondence regarding school being in session on Martin Luther King Jr. Day for Elementary students.
XI. Superintendent's Discussion Items
XI.A. Enrollment Update
Will discuss further under Open Enrollment.
XI.B. Hermantown Recreation Initiative
Key fob card readers for the new arena were approved last week. They will be on the same system as the other district buildings.
XI.C. District Office
Still in preliminary talks about the possibility of the district office moving to the YMCA at Essentia Wellness Center. Have another meeting on Thursday regarding next steps.
XI.D. MSBA Leadership Conference
Whitwam and McShane attended the MSBA Leadership Conference in Minneapolis. Whitwam sat in on the Superintendent Evaluation: Utilizing a Goals and Standards-Based Process workshop and talked to presenter Barb Dorn afterward. She will be coming in to do a virtual training with the Board in the next month or two.
XI.E. Negotiations Update
XI.F. Insurance Update
Had a meeting with NIS and the Insurance committee last week. Aaron Casper said that we are currently looking at a 25% increase for insurance next year based on the last 24 months of claims. However, with more good months coming, we could possibly get down to closer to a 15% increase.
XI.G. Open Enrollment
Whitwam presented each grade level and his recommendations for open enrollment at this time. The remainder will go on the waiting list until July-August.
XI.H. Other
XII. Committee Reports
McShane. Attended the Activities Committee Meeting.
XIII. Old Business
XIII.A. 2025-2026 Negotiation Committee Assignments
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XIV. New Business
XIV.A. FY25 Revised Budget Approval
XV. Adjournment
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