October 13, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Alsea School Board Meeting
Minutes | ||||||
1. Call to Order
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Action Item
2. Flag Salute
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Action Item
3. Approval of the Agenda
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Action Item
The agenda was approved with no corrections or changes.
4. District Recognition:
a. Brick and Mortar i. Student: ii. Employee
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Action Item
Brick & Mortar: i. Listed the students of the month for each grade K-12 ii. Employee: October National Custodian and Coaches day. Please tell them they are appreciated. |
5. Superintendent Report:
Sean Gallagher a. Fireside Chat Schedule Report b. State Assessment Scores Report c. Role of a Project Manager d. Bond Update: Sean Gallagher a. GMP b. Budget e. Safety Assessment for our District
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Action Item
Anna will be conducting and training individuals for this next batch of tests. She goes through all the training. Risteen would like to see some comparisons with other local districts. Sean said she could bring that information back.
6. Financials
a. Accounts
LaRae Sullivan
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
7. Payment of Bills for October
LaRae Sullivan
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Action Item
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
7. Payment of bills:
8. Patron Comments:
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Action Item
9. Board Comments
a. Superintendent Search and Survey b. Upcoming Open Board Member Seats c. Communication with State Legislators
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Action Item
10. Approval of Minutes: September 22, 2022, September 24, 2022
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Action Item
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Approval of minutes for September 22nd and September 27th: Rob motioned, Ryan second. All in favor |
11. First Reading of FMLA
i. GCBDA/GDBDA - Family Medical Leave
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Action Item
Sean had planned on bringing more to the board, but just didn’t have enough time. The policy that they are looking at is what they will be adopting once the administrative rules are brought to the board. Their policy revamp started this week, So more policy will be coming soon.
12. Seconded Reading and approval of Policies:
i. JHCCF Pediculosis (Head Lice) ii. JHCC/GBEB-AR Communicable Diseases iii. JHCCF-AR Pediculosis (Head Lice)
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
12. Second Reading and approval of policies:
13. Action Items:
a. Approval for RFP to get a Project Manager b. Alsea School Board Operating Agreement c. Approval of Grant 23178, Stay on track to Graduate d. Approval of Weather Station Grant Request e. Surplus, Math Books f. Surplus Equipment g. Approval of Division 22 Standards h. Approve GMP for the Bond
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Deb Lindberg motioned to approve, Rob Webb seconded, Risteen Follett: Question: rather than revisit in October, is there a way to see where we are at the end of the year to make sure we are staying on track. Sean will create an exit document to keep the next Superintendent up to date. It has been posted on the Superintendent page on our website. All in favor.
14. Adjourn
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Action Item
At 8:44pm by Risteen Follett. |
15. Key Dates and Calendar Updates:
October 10 - 14, National School Lunch Week October 13, 7:00pm Regular Board Meeting October 14, Teacher Work Day October 17, OSBA Legislative Road Show October 21, In-service/Grading October 26, 8:00am Picture Retakes October 27, 7:00pm Regular Board Meeting October 27, Early Release/Student Conferences October 28, Student Conferences October 29, Haunted House, 6 - 10 October 30, Haunted House, 6 - 9 October 31 Haunted House, 6 - 10 November 11 - 13, 76th OSBA Annual Convention
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
The Haunted House was canceled due to the potential for disruption of normal operations and the school day. |