September 12, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Alsea School Board Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
2. Flag Salute
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Action Item
3. Approval of the Agenda
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Action Item
4. Superintendent Report
a. Bond Update Sean Gallagher, Scott Marshall, CB Construction, BOC Representative
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
There are two handouts to look at for the Warm Shell 2.1 million, Complete 2.5 million and Cold Shell 1.5 million. GMP hasn’t changed. Derek Howard - the Atlas company has offices all around Oregon. The Corvallis office said we were too far. RisteenFollett: Sectional doors are blank? Andy Brophy, they haven’t chosen a company yet to go with. The board feels more confident with the color coded copy. Electrical or HVAC info? They did receive the drawings, Derek Howrad-we received them, but they have questions about HVAC power charge. Doesn’t seem to be in there. Andy Brophy said the plans aren't stamped so they want to make it official and complete before they give the 100% ok. Sean Gallagher what are the GMP’s exactly? GMP=Guaranteed maximum price, can’t actually be established till a contract is signed. However, it can be established Risteen Follett wanted the numbers for the electrical and HVAC numbers for the different shells. Derek Howard, needed 2 weeks to establish the hard numbers for all the HVAC/Electrical. Those aren't here. Used the #’s from the Shell to give a base to go off of. Need to understand the complete system set up before they can get a total cost to the board. Need to call the electrician to get those numbers. Consequences of the two different shells. Derek Howard: The biggest difference between the two is the electrical and HVAC prices. The weather conditions are the biggest factor. However, the prices fluctuate all the time. They have to order all the main components. The biggest risk is the price escalation. Deb Lindberg: Are these the numbers for the HVAC/Electrical? Derek does not have solid figures yet. He needs two weeks to get those solid numbers. Risteen Follett: If the board were to approve the cold shell, could we switch the decision to a warm shell? Derek Howard, that’s easy, you as a board members just have to vote to change it, they have all the hard numbers for the warm shell. They add change orders to the subcontracts. It's a paperwork evolution. Nothing will change in the price. Ryan VanLeuven: Hallway? All the bids were canceled? Derek Howard: Yes, that was based off the old hallways and they didn’t get the numbers till late for the new hallway, they’ll rework it for numbers. The new electric was 150 sq ft, but needed to be completely reworked, Derek Howard did his best to give you an idea as to what it might look like Sean Gallagher: The only thing on the table is a cold shell for the board to vote on. Andy/Derek yes that’s correct. Derek Howard: The paperwork change is very simple. Changing the number to the warm shell price and then you sign, could take less than a day. Ryan Van Leuven: We are only voting today, so concrete can be poured? Derek Howard: that’s right, we want to make sure we don’t lose the concrete number Ryan Van Leuven: We want actual numbers and drawings so they can make a concrete decision. Derek Howard, you have those, but the next steps are still in the works Sean Gallagher: if they go from cold to warm, are the numbers solid with where it stands right here? Derek Howard: those numbers are +/- 3% and are basically just drywall and small incidentals. Derek will give you a list of what it won't include. Ryan Van Leuven: 60 -70 thousand dollars difference. Risteen Follett wants Ryan's VanLeuvens opinion on the best path forward? Ryan VanLeuven if the concrete contractor runs, and CB is willing to step up. Then we can wait and still have time before the rain comes. Risteen Follett: GMP is still good for 2-3 months? Andy Brophy yes and no, some are 1-2 days others are 90 days out. We would like a shell put up so the subcontractors can be dry in the rain. If you notice that there is a sprinkler still going to make sure it compacts and then they can add the concrete. They don't want that to be over-saturated when it rains and then you get cracking. Asphalt price? Derek Howard, it’s excluded now because there wasn’t any in the original plan. Andy Brophy: the fabric material would lay down with rock over the top, with asphalt you have to dig out substrate first to create a base to help with longevity Risteen Follett: Timelines they need for concrete? What do you need for the electrical HVAC for the hallways, what do you need to move forward for the 3 other things. HVAC=need power plan, hallway=close there, retaining wall is needed-done tomorrow (retaining wall design will be done by CB Construction will do it), Risteen Follett-Electrical? Derek Howard it’’s out to bid for a GMP Deb Lindberg asked how many subs- CB Construction could take it in house, can go to M&W there was another one as well. Carl Ecold was tried, but wouldn’t bid. Deb Lindberg the electrical upgrade on yours is lower than the other bid. Derek Howard our numbers took into consideration the generator removal. Transformers have been ordered. Risteen Follett, goal for electrical/HVAC is a couple weeks away. Derek Howard yes that’s fair, 2-3 week turnaround with Scott out. October 19th would be when you would have the GMP’s by. Andy Brophy said they are bypassing Scott Marshall at this point, Scott Marshall has directed them to work with CB Construction. It depends on how far they are on the design. Ristteen Follett asked about hallway GMP? Derek Howard the same 2 weeks. With Sean Gallagher and Scott Marshall being gone, is the 2 weeks accurate? Derek- Howard said it makes him nervous, suspects they don't even have the power plan done or started. Risteen Follett asked if the cold shell gmp is not approved, would the concrete need to be rescheduled? Andy Brophy that's correct. Risteen Follett said, based on that CB could still step in? Derek Howard yes that's correct. Risteen Follett would GMP no longer be accurate? Derek Howard would take about a week to get out here to pore and frame. Deb Lindberg her hang up is, we don't have the GMP’s before we proceed. How do you move forward with what ifs? Linda Montanez asked Ryan VanLeuven since he has been hard core about not pouring concrete, are you more comfortable now? Ryan VanLeuven, no, he wants the numbers so he knows what to do moving forward. They need electricity and HVAC to keep the kids warm and dry. Jamie Olsen; can we move forward with concrete without the GMP signed? Derek Howard said he would need a contract. Jamie Olsen asked, what would it take to get a new electrical engineer? This is a question for Scott Marshall. Jamie, would like to see pressure put on Scott Marshall to get his electrician in line and, if not find someone else moving forward? Risteen Follett asked if we get Sean Gallagher and the bond liaison to go and have those hard questions?
5. Action Item
a. Approval of VOC Center GMP
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
Risteen Follett does the board want to approve going forward? Risteen Follett motions that they halt all action on the shell moving forward till all the GMP’s have come in for the HVAC, Electrical, and hallway panel. Deb Lindberg seconded. Discussion: Deb Lindberg wants everything. Linda Montanez wants a date, she doesn’t want to see it keep getting pushed back , she wants them to make a decision. RisteenFollett: wants to see the numbers, lots of good discussion, the community has asked them to stay on task and they feel like they should see the numbers for GMP’s to move forward. Risteen Follett would like to have Sean Gallagher get on Scott Marshall and the electrical engineer. CB Construction will stay on them. Ryan VanLeuven will meet with Ryan VanLeuven every Wednesday. Could have another sit down next Thursday to discuss. Sean Gallagher will cc Keenan Elbers on all communications dealing with the construction.. |
6. Adjourned
Agenda Item Type:
Action Item
____________________________ ______________________________ Risteen Follett, Board Chair Date Sean Gallagher, Superintendent Date |