October 21, 2024 at 6:30 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Minutes |
A. Call to Order
B. Pledge of Allegiance
C. The mission of Sunnybrook School District #171 is to maximize student achievement by cultivating: critical thinking skills, innovative instructional practices and a collaborative school, home and community partnership.
D. Roll Call
E. Any person wishing to address the board about an item that is on the agenda should do so when that item is up for discussion. Visitors' statements will be limited to two minutes per person. A total of 30 minutes will be allocated for visitor comments. All comments about items not on the agenda will be held until the Visitors' statements at the end of the meeting. Items related to personnel issues will be redirected to the appropriate Administrator.
F. Recommended Motion:
To approve the Regular board of Education meeting minutes of September 16, 2024, October expenses and September payroll in the amount of: $1,331,377.45, as presented. |
G. Communications
H. Informational Items:
H.1. Mr. David Shrader, Chief School Business Official: Tentative Tax Levy
H.2. Long Term Substitute Teacher:
Mr. Timothy Howard, Jr./Nathan Hale School |
H.3. FOIA Request:
SmartProcure: Requesting copies from 7/18/24 to current of the following: Purchase Order Number Purchase Date Line Item Details Line Item Quantity Line Item Price Vendor ID number, name, address, contact person and their email address |
I. Board Reports:
J. Administrator Reports:
Dr. Erika Millhouse Pettis, Superintendent Dr. Lori Owens Stranc, Assistant Suiperintendent/Director of Curriculum Mr. David Shrader, Chief School Business Official Ms. Juliann Greene, Director of Pupil Services Dr. Mike McGowan, Technology Director Mrs. Chantelle Cambric, Principal, Heritage Middle School Mr. Joseph Kent, Principal, Nathan Hale School Policy Committee: Second Reading/Wave and Adopt Policy 2:40: Board Member Qualifications Policy 2:70: Vacancies on the School Board - Filing Vacancies Policy 2:125: Board Member Compensation; Expenses Policy 2:260: Uniform Grievance Procedure Policy 4:70: Resource Conservation Policy 4:80: Accounting and Audits Policy 4:190: Targeted School Violence Prevention Program Policy 5:10: Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment Policy 5:20: Workplace Harassment Prohibited Policy 5:130: Responsibilities Concerning Internal Information Policy 5:200: Terms and Conditions of Employment and Dismissal Policy 5:300: Schedules and Employment Year Policy 6:140: Education of Homeless Children Policy 7:10: Equal Educational Opportunities Policy 7:20: Harassment of Students Prohibited Policy 7:180: Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment Policy 7:185: Teen Dating Violence Prohibited Policy 2:270: Discrimination and Harassment on the Basis of Race, Color, and National Origin Prohibited |
K. Recommended Motions:
K.1. Recommended Motion:
To wave the second reading and adopt the policies listed above, as presented. |
K.2. Recommended Motion:
To appoint David Shrader, Chief School Business Official, as Trustee of Schools for Sunnybrook S.D. 171, to serve with the Bloom Township Trustees of Schools, as presented. |
K.3. Recommended Motion:
To approve the 2023-2024 certified staff compensation report, as presented. |
K.4. Recommended Motion:
To approve the student accident insurance policies with Gerber Life Insurance Company, as presented. |
K.5. Recommended Motion:
To cancel the 2013 fifteen year lease with Lan Oak Park District, effective immediately, as presented. |
K.6. Recommended Motion:
To approve the installation of a chain link fence at the southeast property line at Nathan Hale by Fence Masters, Inc. in the amount of $14,014, as presented. |
K.7. Recommended Motion:
To approve the Board Members and Superintendent to attend the IASB (Illinois Association of School Boards) CUBE Conference in Las Vegas, NV October 27-30, 2024. |
K.8. Recommended Motion:
To approve the Nathan Hale Stage Enclosure with CMM Group, Inc., not to exceed $38,000, as presented. |
K.9. Recommended Motion:
To approve the purchase of the English 3D and Amira reading resources from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) to support our bilingual students. The total cost will not exceed $55,000, to be funded through Title I, Title III, and General Funds. |
L. Visitors Statements
M. Recommended Motion:
To move in to closed session for the purpose of the appointment, compensation, student discipline, performance for dismissal of specific employees of the district. 5ILCS 120/2 (c) (1). Superintendent/Board Relations. |
N. Adjourn Meeting