November 20, 2023 at 6:30 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Minutes |
A. Call to Order
B. Pledge of Allegiance
C. The mission of Sunnybrook S.D. #171 is to maximize student achievement by cultivating: critical thinking skills, innovative instructional practices and a collaborative school, home and community partnership.
D. Roll Call
E. Any person wishing to address the board about an item that is on the agenda should do so when that item is up for discussion. Visitors' statements will be limited to two minutes per person. A total of 30 minutes will be allocated for visitor comments. All comments about items not on the agenda will be held until the Visitors' statements at the end of the meeting. Items related to personnel issues will be redirected to the appropriate Administrator.
F. Recommended Motion: Consent Agenda
To approve the Regular Board meeting minutes of October 16, 2023, closed session minutes of October 16, 2023, November expenses and October payroll in the amount of $1,414,825.96, as presented. |
G. Communications
H. Informational Items
I. Board Reports
J. Administrator Reports
Dr. Erika Millhouse Pettis, Superintendent Dr. Lori Owens Stranc, Assistant Superintendent Mr. David Shrader, Chief School Business Official Ms. Juliann Greene, Director of Special Services Dr. Mike McGowan, Technology Director Mrs. Chantelle Cambric, Principal, Heritage Middle School Mr. Joseph Kent, Principal, Nathan Hale School |
J.1. Policy Committee: Second Reading
Policy 2:170: Procurement of Architectural, Engineering, and Land Surveying Services Policy 7:305: Student Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries Policy 5:230: Maintaining Student Discipline Policy 4:100: Insurance Management Policy 4:45: Insufficient Fund Checks and Debt Recovery Review and Monitoring Policy 8:95: Parental Involvement Policy 2:80: Board Member Oath and Conduct Policy 8:25: Advertising and Distributing Materials in Schools Provided by Non-School Related Entities Policy 7:275: Orders to Forgo Life-Sustaining Treatment Policy 6:240: Field Trips and Recreational Class Trips Policy 6:190: Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Activities Policy-E Exhibit: Board Member Code of Conduct Policy 6:10: Educational Philosophy and Objectives |
J.1.a. Recommended Motion: To waive the second reading and adopt the policies listed above, as presented.
K. Recommended Motions: Retirement
K.1. Recommended Motion: To accept the retirement, with regret, of Mr. Ted Jaeger, Custodian, effective May 23, 2024, as presented.
K.2. Recommended Motion: To accept the retirement, with regret, of Ms. Sue Markulin, Cleaner, Nathan Hale School, effective May 23, 2024, as presented.
L. Recommended Motion: Employment
L.1. Recommended Motion: To approve the employment of Ms. Aaliyah Mayfield, Paraprofessional, salary of $17.00 per hour, effective November 21, 2023, pending successful background check results, as presented.
L.2. Recommended Motion: To approve the employment of Ms. Shirley Polk, full time Heritage Cleaner position, salary of $15.00 per hour, pending successful background check results, effective December 4, 2023, as presented.
M. Recommended Motions:
M.1. Recommended Motion: To approve the FMLA (Family Medical Leave) request for Mrs. Kathleen Specht, effective November 17, 2023, returning December 4, 2023, as presented.
M.2. Recommended Motion: To approve the transfer from the educational Fund (Fund 10) to the Capital Projects Fund (Fund 60) the sum of one million, five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000), to be used for District capital project expenditures as authorized by this Board.
M.3. Recommended Motion: To approve the abatement from the working Cash Fund (Fund 70) to the Capital Projects Fund (Fund 60) the sum of six hundred thousand dollars ($600,000), to be used for District capital project expenditures, as authorized by this Board.
M.4. Recommended Motion: To authorize the Superintendent to submit an application for the Fiscal Year 2024 Property Tax Relief Grant with the Illinois Board of Education, as presented.
M.5. Recommended Motion: To approve the student accident insurance policies with Gerber Life Insurance Company, as presented.
M.6. Recommended Motion:
To approve the Tax Levy for 2023, as presented: 1. Resolution Approving the Tax Levy and Certificate of Tax Levy 2. Loss Factor Resolution 3. Resolution Authorizing Reduction of Certain Fund Levies for the 2023 Levy Year. |
M.7. Recommended Motion: To approve the snow removal contract with American Lawn, as presented.
M.8. Recommended Motion: To approve the bid process for the proposed summer 2024 capital projects for Nathan Hale, as presented.
M.9. Recommended Motion: To approve all expenses for the Board of Education at the Triple I Conference, Chicago, IL, November 17-19, 2023, as presented.
M.10. Recommended Motion: To approve all expenses for the Board of Education to attend the IASB (Illinois Association of School Board Association) Spring Conference, New Orleans, LA, as presented.
M.11. Recommended Motion: To approve the ECHO Joint Agreement, Independent Contractor Agreement, Regular Meeting of the ECHO Executive Board of Directors Minutes, October 17, 2023, ECHO Independent Contractor Agreement - Speech Plus, ECHO Independent Contractor Agreement, Denise Kennedy, ECHO Services Agreement, 2AXEND, LLC, Regular Meeting of the ECHO Executive Board of Directors, September 12, 2023, ECHO Public Hearing on the FY24 ECHO Budget, September 12, 2023 Minutes, as presented.
N. Visitors' Statements
O. Recommended Motion: To move in to closed session for the purpose of the appointment, compensation, student discipline, performance for dismissal of specific employees of the district. 5ILCS 120/2 (c) (1). Superintendent/Board Relations.
P. Adjourn Meeting