June 3, 2009 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Recognize Outgoing Student Board Members
Richard Murray/William Silver
5. Appoint New Student Board Members
Alexis Rich
Motion: to appoint ________________ and _____________ as the 2009-2010 Killingly High School Student Board Members.
6. Report of Killingly High School Student Board Members
7. Report of Town Council Liaison
8. Reports
8.A. KHS Plastics Competition Students
Mr. Todd Zagurski and the KHS Plastics Team, who took part in the plastics competition at QVCC, will be giving their presentation to the Board. The work done for the competition is an outstanding example of standards-based project learning and can serve as a model for the Board of the high quality learning that can be achieved through an integrated, challenging, engaging activity at the high school. It should serve as a model for similar activities.
8.B. Bus Routes
Arthur Vogel
With the anticipated opening of the new high school, bus routes will need to be altered next year to account for high school students who live in Danielson and now walk to school. Art will outline his plans for new routes, intended to begin at the start of school next year.
9. Recognition of Visitors
9.A. Recognition of Young Writers Awards
William Silver/Richard Murray
Christine Peterson and Kaitlyn Klingensmith were chosen as Windham County finalists in the IMPAC Connecticut State University Literacy Awards for Young Writers. On April 28, the sixteen county finalists were honored at a reception at Eastern Connecticut State University.
9.B. Recognition of CABE Student Leadership Award Recipients
William Silver/Richard Murray
The CABE Student Leadership Award is an annual award given to students in high school based on their leadership qualifications. The students are nominated by the Principal, with nominations sent directly to CABE. The Board will give the certificates to the two students, Kelly Allan and Randy Ortiz at its meeting.
9.C. Recognition of Redline Award
William Silver/Richard Murray
The Redline earned second place in The American Scholastic Press Association's Annual Review of secondary school newspapers across the nation. Redline has earned two first place and three second place awards in the last five years.
9.D. Recognition of Employee of the Month
William Silver
Bethany Royer has been invited to the Board meeting so that she may be publicly recognized for receiving the May Employee of the Month Award.
10. Report of Superintendent of Schools and Assistant Superintendent of Schools
10.A. Retirement/End of Year Celebration
William Silver
The annual end of year celebration, honoring our retirees, will be held on Monday, June 8. The event is co-sponsored by the Board and the employee unions.
10.B. End of Year Events
William Silver
Please see the June calendar, attached, for a listing of all end-of-year events.
10.C. Update on High School Project
William Silver
10.D. New Web Site Status
William Silver
The Website Committee, composed of Mary Ellen Johnson, Jonathan Moore, Ben Aldrich, Joni Cullan, Kathi Lengel, Steve Rioux, Cindy Bradley (KHS business/computer teacher), Ann Vasbinder (KIS tech ed/computer teacher) and myself have been meeting to identify a vendor to create a new KPS website. After a number of steps, three vendors were short-listed. They responded to a lengthy questionnaire and were interviewed on June 2. I will update the board on the status of the selection process.
11. Consent Agenda
Approval of Consent Agenda items include:
a. approval of regular meeting minutes of May 13, 2009 and May 27, 2009 b. approval of payment of bills for the year 2007-2008 year in May in the amount of $4,488.31 and for the 2008-2009 year in May in the amount of $889,937.37 c. approval of Employee of the Month for June and July 2009 d. approval of grants - Northeast Communities Against Substance Abuse (NECASA), McKinney-Vento Homeless Grant, CT Office of Policy & Management - Technical Assistance, and Primary Intervention Program (PIXI) |
11.A. Minutes
William Silver
11.B. Payment of Bills
William Silver
11.C. Employee of the Month
William Silver
11.D. Grants
William Silver
12. Action Items
12.A. Discussion/Action on Increase of SCORE Fees
Laurie LeClerc
Fees have not been increased for SCORE, the afterschool and summer program at KIS, since 2004. Surplus has been used to fund operating expenses; consequently, Laurie LeClerc, program director, is recommending a fee increase effective with the start of school in August, 2009. Please see the attached documents for the full rationale and new rate sheet.
12.B. Appointment to Ad-Hoc Facilities Committee
Richard Murray
After receiving the facilities study from Design Partnership of Cambridge in
January, the Board proposed forming a joint committee with the Town
Council to review the study's recommendations and plan the path
forward. At the Board's last meeting, Mr. Young indicated that the
Council was ready to name members for the committee.
Mr. Murray would like to name the Board members for the committee. He is suggesting the following composition of the committee: 3 BOE 3 Town Council 1 Superintendent 3 Staff (one each from GECC, KCS, KMS) 3 Citizens (to be selected by the committee) |
12.C. Appointment to Ad-Hoc Negotiating Committee
Richard Murray
Starting this summer, we begin negotiations with three employee unions - the KEA, the nurses, and bus drivers/mechanics. An ad hoc negotiating committee of the Board needs to be appointed in preparation for these negotiations.
12.D. Approval of Board Meeting Dates January - June 2010
William Silver
For the past several years, the Board has approved tentative meeting dates for January through June of the following calendar year so that building principals could avoid board meeting dates in planning school events. The Board will officially approve these dates as part of the 2010 calendar year posting of meetings, usually done in December.
12.E. Approval of 2009-2010 School Calendar
William Silver
The attached calendar is identical to the one reviewed by the Board last month. Dates for early release days (ERDs), parent conferences, high school graduation, and other significant dates have been added for your information.
Again, an important thing to note is that the first day of school for students is August 26; this is two weeks before Labor Day, which is late this year (September 7). Also note that high school graduation is on Friday, June 18, one week after the proposed last day of school to accommodate Project Graduation. It is anticipated that snow days will be required that will fill most of the week of June 14. |
12.F. Approval of Non-Union Salaries
William Silver/Kim Burnham
The Board needs to authorize salary increases for all non unionized staff. A list of proposed increases will be presented; the Board may want to hold a conversation in executive session before considering the increases.
12.G. Discussion/Action on Move Into New High School
William Silver
This item was tabled at the last meeting, and needs to be removed from the table (if that is the Board's wish) before any discussion can occur.
Gilbane reported to the PBC last week that construction remains on schedule for an April 2nd completion date. If the Board would like to be able to move into the building at that time, it needs to declare its intentions to the PBC and the Town Council so a process can be developed to ensure a smooth mid-year move. The school calendar, presented earlier in the meeting, anticipates having the week of April 5 available for the move. Monday, April 12 would be a staff work day at the school, with students resuming classes on Tuesday, April 13. [April 12 would be a regular school day for grades PK-8.] |
12.H. Discussion/Possible Action Regarding FY10 Budget
William Silver
this item is included as a placeholder, in case the Board wishes to discuss the 2009-10 budget in light of the outcome of the Town Meeting/Referendum held on June 1.
13. Other Informational Items Including Open Action Items
14. Additions to the Agenda
15. Planning Future Activities
16. Executive Session