December 10, 2008 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Recognition of Visitors
4.A. Recognition of CAPSS Award Students
William Silver
We have invited the students who were awarded this year's CAPSS Superintendent Student Awards to the board meeting so they can be recognized by the board. The students who received the awards are: Starrie Ann Alemian, Meghan Hebert, Vasileios Politis, Jennifer White, Tum Tum Souriyamath, Taylor Sulik, Kelly Allan, and Mary-Beth Kinchen
4.B. Recognition of High School Field Hockey Team
William Silver
We have invited all the members of the high school girls field hockey team to the board meeting to be recognized. This year's team finished first in our conference, the ECC, going undefeated, and was ranked first in the state for the playoffs.
4.C. Recognition of Employee of the Month Recipients
William Silver
The recipients of the last two months' Employee of the Month have been invited to the board meeting so that they could be publicly recognized for this honor. They are Peggy Burridge (October) and Donna Doyle and Charlie Tucker (November).
4.D. Recognition of 150th Anniversary Committee
William Silver
The members of the 150th anniversary committee have been invited to attend the board meeting so that the board could recognize them for their hard work. Members of the committee are: Jan Huber, Sheryl Kempain, Claudette Weir, Nola Hoss, Sandra Ames, Kerry King and Betty Forrest.
5. Report of Killingly High School Student Board Members
6. Report of Town Council Liaison
7. Reports
7.A. Goodyear Early Childhood Center News
Lynda Fosco
Lynda Fosco will be at the meeting to report on the events happening at Goodyear.
7.B. Board of Education Retreat Planning
Richard Murray
The board has set January 24, 2009 for a retreat. This item is on the agenda to start the planning process for the retreat.
7.C. Free/Reduced Lunch Report
Jan Huber
Jan Huber will report on the 2008-09 free and reduced lunch counts in the district, and trends of this key indicator over the past several years.
8. Report of Superintendent of Schools and Assistant Superintendent of Schools
8.A. Obesity Grant
William Silver
The Northeast Department of Health and Day Kimball Hospital were the recipient of a federal grant to provide educational programming to prevent childhood obesity. Along with Pomfret Community School, Killingly is participating in the grant program this year. All students in grades 4, 5, and 6 are participating, with support from NE DPH and DKH.
8.B. "Grab and Go" Breakfast
William Silver
The attached article from the New York Times started a conversation among Barbara Otero, Joan Gardner, Marilyn Oat and Sheryl Kempain. All three schools will begin the grab and go breakfast when we return from Christmas vacation, Jan. 5, 2009. This breakfast will be In Addition to the regular breakfast served not a substitute. We hope that this alternative will increase the number of students eating breakfast.
8.C. 1-to-1 Computers
William Silver
I will update the Board on the continuing planning efforts toward implementing the laptop program with ninth graders at the start of the second semester.
8.D. High School Project
William Silver
An update on the project, and a report on the December 3rd PBC meeting, will be given.
9. Consent Agenda
Approval of Consent Agenda items include:
a. approval of minutes of November 5, 2008 and November 19, 2008 b. approval of payment of bills for the 2007-2008 year in November in the amount of $41,463.67, for the 2008-2009 year in November in the amount of $839,217.11 c. approval of Employee of the Month d. approval of trip request for KHS foreign language department |
9.A. Minutes
William Silver
9.B. Employee of the Month
William Silver
9.C. Payment of Bills
William Silver
9.D. Request of KHS Foreign Language Trip to Quebec
William Silver
10. Action Items
10.A. Approval of Board Meeting Dates
William Silver
By state law, we need to schedule the 2009 Board meeting dates by the end of December. The Board previously approved the dates from January - June so that they could be listed on the district's calendar. That leaves dates from September - December 2009 for the Board to approve.
10.B. Request for a Staff Development Day at the High School
William Silver
The high school administration and NEASC Steering Committee have jointly requested that the Board approve Monday, January 26th, as a staff development day for the high school. If approved, the day would be dedicated to finalizing and reaching consensus on the sub-committee reports related to each of the Indicators that address the seven NEASC Standards. All teachers are assigned to one or more sub-committees and are expected to participate fully.
January 26th is a transition day between the end of the first semester and the beginning of the second semester. Final exams for the first semester are scheduled to end on Friday, January 23rd. The state minimum school day requirement (180) would not be affected due to our longer student attendance year (185), and this year in particular with graduation scheduled for the Friday after the close of school. |
10.C. Approval of Textbooks
William Silver
The Ad-Hoc Textbook Approval Committee (Dr. Robinson, Mr. King and Mrs. Mondor) met on Monday, December 8th and approved the purchase of an Anatomy and Physiology Textbook entitled, Hole's Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology, Published by McGraw Hill, 2009.
10.D. Revision of June 4, 2008 Board Meeting Minutes
This revision of the June 4, 2008 Board minutes is to clarify the motion relating to the authorization of the school facilities study. The motion will clarify the Board's intent that the funds come out of the 2008-2009 budget.
11. Other Informational Items Including Open Action Items
12. Additions to the Agenda
13. Planning Future Activities
14. Executive Session
15. Possible Action on Executive Session Items