January 9, 2008 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Recognition of Visitors
5. Report of Killingly High School Student Board Members
6. Report of Town Council Liaison
7. Reports
7.A. Big Brothers/Big Sisters
David Taylor
The Nutmeg Big Brothers/Big Sister has received a grant to expand their
mentoring program into northeastern Connecticut (specifically Thompson,
Putnam and Killingly). Their goal is to have 25 volunteer Big Brothers/Big Sisters in place in each elementary and middle school by next September. David Taylor, who is heading the project, will present the program to the Board.
7.B. NEAS&C Process
Alan Messier, Bill Guillot, Dan Costello
Killingly High School has started the preparatory work for the decennial reaccreditation process. Al Messier and Bill Guillot, co-chairs, will present the tasks and timelines for completion of the self-study prior to the NEASC visiting team site visit in the fall of 2009.
8. Report of Superintendent of Schools and Assistant Superintendent of Schools
8.A. Budget Calendar
William Silver
We have started the budget development process for the FY09 budget, with principals and other cost center supervisors submitting initial requests. Attached is the basic timeline for the budget development process; meetings with the Fiscal Committee for budget review will be scheduled.
8.B. Advertising Update from the Schools
William Silver
At the last Board meeting, a question was raised regarding the
amount of advertising students were exposed to in school. We surveyed
the buildings and found that at the K-4 level there is very little
advertising; mostly acknowledgments of gifts made by local businesses
on WKCS and WKMS. At KIS there are some sponsorships added to
programs, and whatever Channel One advertising is viewed. The high
school has the most, but even there it is pretty limited. For example,
sponsorship ads in programs and on the annual athletics calendar,
crawls or sponsorship slides on Channel 20 or KHS Weekly, and ads for
things like class pictures or school rings are beyond what occurs at
the K-8 schools.
8.C. Enrollment Projections
William Silver
8.D. UConn Child Development Course
Martha Goldstein-Schulz, Family and Consumer Science teacher at KHS, will be teaching a UCONN course "HDFS 190: Introduction to Individual and Family Development" next year. Students would be eligible for dual high school and college credit; this adds to our portfolio of existing AP and UCONN courses available to students. A course description is attached; the board will be asked to approve the textbook through our usual process later this spring.
8.E. Secondary School Reform "Conversations"
9. Consent Agenda
9.A. Minutes
William Silver
9.B. Payment of Bills
William Silver
9.C. Employee of the Month
William Silver
10. Action Items
10.A. Approval of High School Construction Plans
Joseph Costa, FletcherThompson
Construction documents are almost complete, and Gilbane has prepared an estimate showing that the project is still on budget. Joe Costa will present an overview of the project and any significant changes made to the building or site, review the timeline and next steps in the process, and respond to any questions from the board.
Attached is copy of the latest estimate and comparative costs of on-site (well) water vs. city water. Board members should review the final page of the estimate showing PBC approved and pending add-alternates (items that downgrade material quality or reduce program but will be bid as alternates and may be added back in later). In addition to any specific questions members may have, the Board may want to ask Mr. Costa to give his perspective on:
10.B. Approval of Second Reading of Revised Policy #6146, Graduation Requirements
William Silver/Bradford Thompson
Attached is a further revision of the Graduation Requirements policy, reflecting the discussion at the last meeting. Additions to the original policy are in red, deletions are
10.C. Approval of Waiver of Program Graduation Requirements #1.5 (Completion of Application of Employment) and #1.7 (Develops an Updated Resume and Reference Sheet)
Daniel Costello, Brad Thompson
Dan will review the need for some modifications or waivers to PGR requirements for current seniors, and will present a proposal to the Board.
10.D. Appointment of Committee Members
Richard Murray
Richard Murray, as Chair, will appoint committees in accordance with his authority under Policy #9121(a).
If the Board would like to continue its practice of having the Curriculum Committee meet as a "committee of the whole" an appropriate motion would be: "The Board suspends Policy #9132(c)(1) to allow the Curriculum Committee [and the ________ Committee] to meet as a "Committee of the Whole" and function in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order" The appropriate section of Roberts Rules is attached. Informationally, the minutes of the board action two years ago is attached. |
11. Report of Board Committees
12. Other Informational Items Including Open Action Items
13. Additions to the Agenda
14. Planning Future Activities
15. Executive Session