November 28, 2007 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Recognition of Visitors
4. Discussion/Action on Special Education Instructional Assistants
This is a follow up to Bonnie Brouwer's request for additional nursing and IA support. The Fiscal Committee is scheduled to meet prior to this meeting and will have a recommendation for the Board. The request for Board approval is for:
- an increase in GECC nursing of one hour per day (six hours to seven) - a 0.3 FTE LPN at GECC to meet the IEP needs of an incoming three year old - a 1.0 FTE IA at KHS - two 0.5 FTE (1.0 total) at GECC for incoming three year olds. |
5. Discussion/Action on KHS Credits, and First Reading for revison of Policy #6146
Administration will present a revision of BOE Policy and Regulation
#6146 based on the motion approved at the last meeting. That motion
included an increase to 24 credits and the establishment of a tiered
diploma system.
6. Board of Education Goal Indicators and CMT/CAPT Action Plans
The attached document has tabs at the bottom for each grade, etc.
7. November Calendar
8. December Calendar