June 6, 2007 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting Template
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Recognition of Visitors
4.A. Recognition of KHS Golf Team
The Killingly High School Golf team has had a great year this year. They are 21-1 overall and 10-0 in the conference. They finished 3rd in the ECC Open Championship. The CIAC Division III State Tournament will be held on June 5th.
4.B. Recognition of Literacy Award to Colleen Lugauskas
William Silver
4.C. Recognition of Outgoing Student Board Members
Richard Murray
4.D. Recognition of Incoming Student Board Members
Alexis Rich
5. Report of Killingly High School Student Board Members
Hannah Mack and Charlene Pratt
6. Report of Town Council Liaison
Janice Thurlow
7. Reports
7.A. Report by Daniel DeLorenzi, SafirRosetti, School Security
Daniel DeLorenzi
Dan DeLorenzi, our school security consultant, will present his report and recommendations based on his two day visit to the district last month. A discussion/possible action item, based on his report, appears later on the agenda.
7.B. News from China Trip
Sheryl Kempain and Marilyn Oat
8. Report of Superintendent of Schools and Assistant Superintendent of Schools
8.A. Retirement Celebration
William Silver
8.B. Building Project
William Silver
A brief update on the status of the high school project. Fletcher Thompson will be ready to report to the Board toward the end of July, the point at which the design development phase of the project will be complete.
8.C. Summer School Programs
Bradford Thompson
Brad will update the Board on planned summer programs at the elementary, middle and high school levels.
8.D. David Douglas High School Visitation
Bradford Thompson
Several months ago, Brad briefed the Board on the Career Pathways model used at David Douglas High School in Portland, Oregon. As part of the efforts at KHS to re-engineer our career pathways, he and a team of high school teachers visited David Douglas HS to observe the model in action. Brad will update the Board on the visitation and its impact on our thinking about our students' school experiences.
8.E. High School Schedule Update/Professional Development Opportunities
Joseph Fleming/Joseph Muscumeci/Michael Devine
Joe Fleming and his staff will update the Board on scheduling redesign efforts at the High School, and planning for professional development opportunities for staff to facilitate implementation of a new schedule.
9. Consent Agenda
9.A. Approval of Minutes
9.B. Approval of Bills
9.C. Approval of Employee of the Month
9.D. Approval of Grants
10. Action Items
10.A. Discussion/Action on Pupil Services Staff at Killingly Memorial School
William Silver
Bonnie Brouwer, Marilyn Oat and the special ed team at KMS are requesting a staffing change for next year. They visited an elementary program in Windsor to observe a model that used many fewer IA’s than we do, but had a larger special education teaching staff. They anticipate that this may be a way to significantly reduce our IA numbers as we move forward, consolidating many of the 1-to-1 functions we now provide for students. The team's suggestion for next year is this: replace two sp ed IA’s with one new sp ed teacher.
From a budgetary perspective, this has no significant impact. Our placeholder for new teacher’s salary and benefits is $56,469. The cost for a sp ed IA with salary and benefits is $26,593 (for two IA’s the cost is $53,186). |
10.B. Approval of 2007-2008 Budget
William Silver
Assuming that the successful budget referendum is not petitioned in the time between the construction of this agenda and our meeting, the town budget becomes official on June 7.
Attached are two documents:
It is appropriate at this time for the Board to adopt a line-item budget for 2007-08. If there is a need to make further adjustments we can do so; meanwhile, this will allow the business office to proceed efficiently with end-of-year closeouts and direction to building and department administrators for planning for next year. |
10.C. Discussion/Possible Action on School Security Report
William Silver
Based on Daniel DeLorenzi's presentation earlier in the evening, the Board may want to discuss the report further or adopt some of the recommendations made in the report.
10.D. Discussion/Action on Goodyear Fee Schedule 2007-2008
William Silver
Attached is a recommended increase of 3% for the Goodyear and BASP fees for next year. As you know, the programs are not self-sufficient and are supplemented by BOE support. This small recommended increase will keep fees competitive with other local paid pre-school options while generating some additional revenue to offset increasing costs. It will not cover all increases, however.
10.E. Ratification of Contracts
William Silver
After discussion in Executive Session to review proposed collective bargaining agreements, the Board may ratify those agreements presented.
10.F. Approval of Textbooks
Bradford Thompson
The Ad-Hoc Textbook Approval Committee (Robby, Alexis) approved the purchase of the following textbook proposal:
Biology (Holt, Rinehart, Winston, 2008) Grade 10 |
11. Report of Board Committees
12. Other Informational Items Including Open Action Items
13. Additions to the Agenda
14. Planning Future Activities
15. Executive Session