January 10, 2007 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Recognition of Visitors
4.A. Introduce Joseph Fleming, Interim High School Principal
Bill Silver
Joseph Fleming's first day at Killingly High School will be on Thursday, January 4. He will be briefed by Mary Christian whose last day of work is Friday, January 5.
4.B. Recognition of Volunteer
Richard Murray
Richard Murray will be asking the Board to honor this month's volunteer.
5. Report of Killingly High School Student Board Members
6. Report of Town Council Liaison
7. Reports
8. Report of Superintendent of Schools and Assistant Superintendent of Schools
8.A. Budget Calendar
Bill Silver
An updated budget calendar will be distributed. Fiscal Committee meeting dates need to be established.
8.B. Head Start
Lynda Fosco
Lynda Fosco will be at the meeting to give a brief report on the Head Start program.
8.C. Food Services Program
Barbara Otero
Barbara Otero will be giving a brief report on the status of the food services program, updating her report from October 2005 and including the impact of catering for Head Start.
8.D. Enrollment Projection
Bill Silver
Although we have not received the State Department of Education's
projection for comparison purposes, NESDEC has provided us with
enrollment projections for next year. Overall, projected enrollments
are flat showing no signficant increase or decrease in student
8.E. CABE/CAPSS Convention
Alexis Rich
8.F. Don Williams Presentation on "How Connecticut is Competing in a Global Economy"
Bradford Thompson
9. Consent Agenda
9.A. Approval of Minutes
9.B. Approval of Bills
9.C. Approval of Employee of the Month
10. Action Items
10.A. Discussion/Action on Middle College Magnet High School
Bill Silver
The preliminary proposal for a Middle College Magnet High School was
shared with the Board at its November 1 meeting, a follow up to the
multi-district forum held on October 5 at QVCC. The conceptual
proposal anticipates a collaborative project with the Windham,
Plainfield, Putnam, Thompson and Killingly Public Schools and QVCC as
partners. Since that meeting, two planning committees have been
convened to develop the operational plan: governance and policy, and
curriculum and instruction. A complete operational plan must be
submitted to SDE by October 2007, in anticipation of a school opening
in September 2008.
At this point in the process, a commitment of the BOE is necessary to indicate the district's willingness to participate in the development of the operational plan. The planning team is also requesting a financial commitment of $1,000 to defray development costs. |
10.B. Appointment of Community Relations Ad-Hoc Committee
Bill Silver
One of the Board's significant goals this year was to develop a newsletter that would share school district activities with the entire community. First Experience Communications, a communications and public relations firm with more than twenty years of experience (much of it working with school districts throughout Connecticut), is wiling to work with us to meet the Board's goal to improve communications with all stakeholder groups in the community. As a first step, they would like to meet with a subcommittee of the board to plan the first newsletter and a survey instrument that would be included.
In accordance with Policy #9132, the BOE Chair appoints members to committees. If you are interested in serving on this committee, please let Mr. Murray know so that he can appoint the committee at this meeting. |
10.C. Exemption of PGR #1 Learner Outcomes 1.5 (Application for Employment) and 1.7 (Updated Resume)
Bradford Thompson
It has come to our attention that many seniors have not completed the two sub-tasks in PGR #1 listed above. This is the first senior class required to meet this particular requirement. Since it is unlikely that a procedure can be created to successfully meet the needs of most students, we recommend that the Board exempt the Class of 2007 from this requirement.
11. Report of Board Committees
12. Other Informational Items Including Open Action Items
13. Additions to the Agenda
14. Planning Future Activities
15. Executive Session