February 18, 2015 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Minutes |
I. Administrative Reports
I.A. Superintendent's Announcements (5 min.)
Dr. Addley will provide district updates.
I.B. Student Representative Reports (5 min.)
Ms. Casey Gajewski and Mr. Kevin Bates, Student Representatives, will report on activities taking place at the high school.
I.C. Business Manager's Report (5 min.)
Mr. Harry Traver, Business Manager, will present the January statement of accounts.
I.D. Schools in the Spotlight (15 min.)
Ms. Linda Touchette, High School English Teacher, and two students, Jaimee Kidd and David Eke will be presenting on Senior Capstone Projects which included working with a mentor, researching a selected topic, writing a research paper, and presenting the work to peers and to the community.
I.E. Elementary School Improvement Plan Updates (30 min.)
Ms. Kimberly Dessert, Principal of Kearns Primary School, Dr. Anna Forlenza-Bailey, Principal of Wells Road, and Mr. Michael Dunn, Principal of Kelly Lane, will present updates to their school improvement plans which were presented to the Board in the fall.
II. Public Comment
Granby community engagement and participation during BOE public meetings is encouraged and welcomed. The Public Comment segment of the meeting agenda is set aside for this purpose. During this segment, Board members and administration are encouraged to engage with the intent to clarify and understand comments being offered. Board feedback, however, will be limited until a fuller understanding of the topic is obtained. As a result, and in an effort to proceed in a timely manner, follow-up discussion may occur at a subsequent meeting as a dedicated agenda item or outside of a meeting setting altogether. In the interest of fairness to individuals in a public forum and to allow Board neutrality, it is strongly requested that all references to community members, students or district personnel be done anonymously. Procedurally, public remarks will be limited to approximately 5 minutes and individuals will be asked to identify themselves.
III. Consent Agenda (5 min.)
III.A. Minutes
The Board will approve/amend the minutes of the February 4, 2015 Board of Education meeting.
IV. Old Business
IV.A. Third Reading of Revised Policy 5114 - Student Discipline (5 min.)
The Curriculum/Policy/Technology/Communication Subcommittee presents this policy to the Board for a third reading and approval.
IV.B. Suffield Regional Agriscience Center Consulting Committee (15 min.)
Ms. Laura LaFlamme, Director of the Suffield Regional Agriscience Center, will update the Board on the Consulting Committee for the Agriscience Center and introduce a current member and a nominee of the Consulting Committee. A student will also share experiences at the Agriscience Center.
V. New Business
V.A. Indoor Air Quality Report (5 min.)
Mr. Harry Traver, Business Manager, will present the annual Indoor Air Quality Report to the Board.
V.B. Budget Transfer Approval (5 min.)
The Board will discuss the approval of a budget transfer of $30,000 from the software line item to offset the pension expense line item.
V.C. First Reading of Revised Policy 5113 - Attendance (5 min.)
The Curriculum/Policy/Technology/Communication Subcommittee recommends Policy 5113, Attendance, to the Board for a first reading.
V.D. First Reading of Revised Policy 5113.2 - Truancy (5 min.)
The Curriculum/Policy/Technology/Communication Subcommittee recommends Policy 5113.2, Truancy, to the Board for a first reading.
V.E. Declining Enrollment (5 min.)
Dr. Addley will update the Board on the board goal of declining enrollment.
VI. Miscellaneous (20 min.)
VI.A. Board Standing Committee Reports
VI.A.1. Curriculum/Policy/Technology/Communication
VI.A.2. Finance/Personnel/Facilities
VI.B. Other Board-Related Reports
VI.B.2. Granby Education Foundation
VI.B.3. Intra-Board Advisory Committee
VI.B.4. District Efficiency Initiatives
VI.C. Calendar of Events
VI.D. Board Member Announcements
VI.E. Action Items
VII. Executive Session/Non-Meeting