April 1, 2020 at 6:30 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Minutes |
I. Call to Order
II. Approval of Minutes
II.A. Regular Meeting of March 4, 2020
II.B. Special Meeting of March 16, 2020
III. Administrative Reports
III.A. Superintendent's Report
-Please note the personnel report as you will find updated employee information reflected in it. -There have been a number of changes due to the Governor's executive orders in response to COVID-19. Specifically, Executive Order No. 7B suspends the requirements (statutory, charter, ordinance or regulation) that public agencies hold open meetings and specifically allows public agencies to prohibit in-person public access to such meetings upon meeting certain conditions. Executive Order No. 7B further permits public agencies to “to hold such meetings or proceedings remotely by conference call, videoconference or other technology” on the condition that public access to the meeting and actions taken at such meeting be provided as follows: A. The public must have the ability to view or listen to each meeting in real time, by telephone, video, or other technology; B. Any such meeting must be recorded or transcribed and posted on the Board’s website within 7 days of the meeting or proceeding; C. The notice and agenda must be posted on the Board's website with information about how the meeting will be conducted and how the public can access it; D. Any materials relevant to matters on the agenda must be submitted to the agency at least 24 hours prior to the meeting and posted to the agency's website for public inspection prior to, during, and after the meeting; E. All speakers that take part in the meeting must clearly state their name and title, if applicable, before speaking on each occasion that they speak. -Our budget process has also been adjusted due the Governor's executive orders. Included below are responses from counsel regarding this process. C. To be consistent with previous practices, it may be worth adopting the budget in early May. Perhaps do a telephonic annual meeting on the first Monday in May and have the BOE approve the budget on Tuesday, May 5 when the referendum would normally be held. -Attached is CABE's Memo II regarding the implications for and impacts on school districts of Governor Lamont's Executive Orders. The first was a summary and analysis of the suspension of sections of the FOIA in Executive Order 7C. This second memorandum summarizes and discusses the impact of the suspension of in-person requirements for the adoption of regional school district and municipal budgets found in Executive Order 7I. -There are no updates to our goals this month. Instead, I will update the Board on our response to the COVID-19 pandemic. |
III.B. Business Manager's Report
Mrs. McCalla will provide a year to date budget status report as well as a contingency fund report.
IV. Chairman & Board Report
V. New Business
V.A. Nonrenewals of Non-Tenured Staff
As is annual practice to ensure compliance with state statute, and in accordance with Conn. Gen. Stat. § 10-151(b), which gives authority to the Superintendent to determine whether a non-tenure teacher should be offered a contract for the subsequent school year, I am recommending the non-renewal of all non–tenured teachers. This requires Board action.
V.B. Annual Review of Tuition Policy/Rate
Per policy #2420, the Board is required to set a tuition rate for non-resident students by May 30. The current tuition rate is: A) Tuition Student Rates B) Students attending under Attendance Agreements (unless a multiple-year agreement to provide education facilities is entered into with another Board of Education) This requires Board action. |
V.C. New Policy 6114.81 Emergencies and Disaster Preparedness
Ian Neviaser
After discussion with my colleagues in surrounding districts, I am recommending we adopt this policy as written at our April meeting. While the entire Board has been very supportive in allowing us to make decisions in response to this pandemic, I think this will protect us in the future should we need to take further emergency action. Since the future of this is so hard to predict, this gives us the ability to respond quickly to this ever changing environment. This requires Board action.
V.D. Approval of Members of the Sustainability Committee
VI. Old Business
VI.A. Closing of LOLHS Project
VI.B. Report of Committees: Facilities, Finance, Communications, Policy, LEARN, LOL Prevention Coalition
VII. Correspondence
VIII. Adjournment