December 2, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes |
I. Call to Order / Attendance
II. School / Community Session - 7:00 p.m.
II.A. Recognition: Madison Education Week (MEA)
Denise Earles, MEA President, Paul Coppola, MEA Vice President
II.B. Recognition: Madison Association of Educational Supportive Services (MAESS)
Chris Auffant and Judy Shaw - MAESS Co-Presidents
II.C. Public Participation
III. Board of Education Student Representatives' Report
Andrew Murphy and Paige Calvert
IV. Superintendent's Report
Thomas R. Scarice
IV.A. School Utilization Study Update
IV.B. Other Matters
V. Board Members' Comments
VI. Board Committees / Liaison Updates (Ref. Bylaw #9450)
VI.A. Planning Committee
Members: Cindy Wood, Chair; Bill Clorite, Jessica Bowler
VI.B. Personnel Committee
Members: Bob Ruggiero, Chair, Alison Keating, Jessica Bowler
VI.C. Policy Committee
#6151 Class Size - First Reading
Members: Bruce Wilson, Chair; Seth Klaskin, Bob Ruggiero
VI.D. Finance Committee
Members: Bill Clorite, Chair; Cindy Wood, Chris Puricelli
VI.E. LEARN Liaison
Liaison: Alison Keating
VII. Audience Response to Information Presented (Ref. Bylaw #9540.10)
VIII. Consent Agenda (Ref. Bylaw #9540.2 and #9540.8)
VIII.A. Bills Payable: $9,993.54 - 2013-2014 Budget $310,008.16 - 2014-2015 Budget
VIII.B. Line Transfers: $75.00
VIII.C. Budget Expenditure Report as of November 25, 2014
IX. Action Item: Minutes of the November 18, 2014 Board of Education Meeting (Ref. Bylaw #9540.9)
X. Action Item: To approve the International Field Trip to Spain July 2016
XI. Old Business
XII. New Business
XIII. Future Agenda Items
XIV. Meetings / Dates of Importance
XV. Adjournment