April 1, 2014 at 7:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes |
I. Call to Order / Attendance
II. School / Community Session - 7:30 p.m.
II.A. Public Participation
III. Board of Education Student Representatives' Report
Jane Butler and Andrew Murphy
IV. Superintendent's Report
Thomas R. Scarice
IV.A. France Trip - During 2015 April Vacation (Martin Glasser and T.J. Salutari)
IV.B. Out of State Trip for Daniel Hand High School - Grades 9-12 Chinatown New York City - May 6, 2014
IV.C. Adult Learning Theory in Support of Professional Development
IV.D. Other Matters
V. Board Members' Comments
VI. Board Committees / Liaison Updates (Ref. Bylaw #9450)
VI.A. Planning Committee
Members: Cindy Wood, Chair; Bill Clorite, Jessica Bowler
VI.B. Personnel Committee
Members: Bob Ruggiero, Chair, Alison Keating, Jessica Bowler
VI.C. Policy Committee
Members: Bruce Wilson, Chair; Seth Klaskin, Bob Ruggiero
VI.D. Finance Committee
Members: Bill Clorite, Chair; Cindy Wood, Chris Puricelli
VI.E. LEARN Liaison
Liaison: Alison Keating
VII. Audience Response to Information Presented (Ref. Bylaw #9540.10)
VIII. Consent Agenda (Ref. Bylaw #9540.2 and #9540.8)
VIII.A. Bills Payable: $1,139,050.73 - 2013/2014 Budget
VIII.B. Line Transfers: $45,079.53
VIII.C. Budget Expenditure Report as of March 27, 2014.
IX. Action Item: Minutes of the March 18, 2014 Board of Education Meeting (Ref. Bylaw #9540.9)
X. Action Item: To waive the competitive Bid / RFP process for the proposed telephone system updates, and authorize the Director of Administrative Services to enter into an agreement with Total Communications, Inc. (Ref. Policy #3323)
XI. Action Item: Schedule Daniel Hand High School Commencement Ceremony (Ref. Policy #6030)
XII. Old Business
XIII. New Business
XIV. Future Agenda Items
XV. Meetings / Dates of Importance (See Attached)
XVI. Adjournment