September 18, 2012 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes |
I. Call to Order / Attendance
II. Executive Session
II.A. Discussion: Union Contract Negotiations
II.B. Adjourn Executive Session
III. School / Community Session - 7:30 p.m.
III.A. Public Participation
IV. Board of Education Student Representatives' Report
John Ovian, Daniel Hand High School Student
V. Superintendent's Report
V.A. Update: 2012-2013 Student Enrollment
Anita Rutlin, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
VI. Board Members' Comments
VII. Reports from Board Committees / Liaison
VII.A. Planning Committee
Members: Jean Fitzgerald, Chair; Bill Clorite;Pam Meier;Deb Frey
VII.B. Personnel Committee
Members: John Dean, Chair; Cindy Wood, Vice Chair; Robert Ruggiero
VII.C. Policy Committee
Members: Seth Klaskin, Chair; Ryan Suerth; Cindy Wood; Deb Frey
VII.D. Finance Committee
Members: Bill Clorite, Chair; Jean Fitzgerald; Cindy Wood
VII.E. Ad-Hoc Community Relations Committee
Members: Ryan Suerth, Chair; Pam Meier; Cindy Wood
VII.F. LEARN Liaison
Liaison: Robert Ruggiero
VIII. Audience Reponse to Information Presented
IX. Consent Agenda (9.1 - 9.3 ) Ref. Bylaw #9540.2 and #9540.8)
IX.A. Bills Payable: 2011-2012 Budget - $43,940.40 and 2012-2013 Budget - $547,101.38
IX.B. Line Transfers: $2,060
IX.C. Donation: $2,540.08 from the Stop & Shop A+ Bonus Bucks Program to J. Milton Jeffrey Elementary School
X. Action Item: Minutes of the September 4, 2012 Board of Education Meeting
XI. Action Item: Special Appropriation Request to the Board of Selectmen and Board of Finance for $45,000 from the funds returned to the Town at the close of the 2011-12 Fiscal Year to add to the Madison Public Schools / External Placements for Special Education Reserve Fund.
XII. Action Item: Educational Specifications for replacement of the Walter C. Polson Middle School boiler based heating source which has reached the end of its rated life. Replacement includes proper abatement of asbestos containing materials in the boilers and associated piping.
XIII. Old Business
XIV. New Business
XV. Future Agenda Items
XVI. Meetings / Dates of Importance:
Policy Committee Meeting: 9/18/2012,6:30 PM Conf. Room B,
Board Meeting: 9/18/2012,7:30 PM Hammo Room,
Board Special Meeting: 9/25/2012, 7:00 PM, Hammo Room,
Finance Committee Meeting: 9/25/2012, 7:30 AM, Conf. Room B,
Yom Kippur Holiday: 9/26/2012 School Closed,
XVII. Adjournment