May 22, 2007 at 7:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes |
I. Call to Order / Attendance
II. Executive Session - 6:30 p.m.
III. School Community Session - 7:30 p.m.
III.A. Recognition: National School Nurses Day (May 9, 2007)
III.B. Public Participation
IV. Board of Education Student Representatives' Report
Jeff Cavallo and Emma Norris
V. Superintendent's Report
Dr. H. Kaye Griffin
V.A. Progress Report: Curriculum Lab Project
Anita Rutlin
V.B. Overview: Summer Reading List - Get a Clue @ Your Library
Anita Rutlin
V.C. Update: Kindergarten Enrollment 2007-2008
Dr. H. Kaye Griffin
VI. Board Members' Comments
VI.A. General Discussion: Special Topics / Roundtable: Board of Education Liaisons to Schools
VII. Board Committees / Liaison Updates
VII.A. Planning Committee
Members: Kathleen Rossini, Chair; Becky Coffey; Debra Frey
VII.B. Personnel Committee
Members: John Dean, Chair; Becky Coffey; David Yo
VII.C. Policy Committee
Members: Holly Sellers, Chair; Harriet Gowanlock; David Youngerman
VII.D. Finance Committee
Memners: Becky Coffey, Chair; Harriet Gowanlock; D
VII.E. LEARN Liaison
Liaison: Kathleen Rossini
VIII. Audience Response to Information Presented
IX. Consent Agenda (Items 9.1 - 9.5)
IX.A. Bills Payable: $376,815.26
IX.B. Line Transfers: $21,778.85
IX.C. State of Connecticut Department of Public Health SCOPE Grant Application July 1, 2007 - June 30, 2010 (Reference Bylaw #9540.8)
IX.D. Acknowledgement: Out-of-State Travel for Daniel Hand High School Introduction to Fashion Retail Class (Reference Policy #6100.16.1)
IX.E. Connecticut State Department of Education Secondary Basic Grant Application for: Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act of 1998 - P.L. 105-332 (Reference Bylaw #9540.8)
X. Action Item: Superintendent Search Consultant Contract (Reference Bylaw #9480 & 9540.8)
XI. Action Item: Minutes 5.8.07 Meeting
XII. Action Item: Minutes 5.14.07 Meeting
XIII. Old Business
XIV. New Business
XIV.A. Textbook Adoption Preview: University Physics (Daniel Hand High School Calculus-based Advanced Placement Physics) / Ni Hao (Daniel Hand High School Mandarin Chinese I) / Mathematics Beyond the Numbers (Daniel Hand High School Discrete Math)
XV. Future Agenda Items
XVI. Adjournment