February 24, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Minutes | |||||||||||||
Board Chair
A.1. Call to order
Board Chair
call the meeting to order
A.2. Roll Call
Board Chair
A.3. Pledge of Allegiance
Board Chair
A.4. Approval of Agenda
Board Chair
Board members can amend the presented agenda by adding, removing or adjusting items to suit the needs of a particular meeting.
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A.5. Consent Agenda
Board Chair
a) Approval of Minutes
January 2025 Regular Board Meeting Minutes b) Payment of Invoices c) Correspondence d) Approve Field Trip(s) e) Human Resources Items: 1. Retirement a). Jodi Curson 2. Lane Change a). 3. Resignations a). Sue Forster 4. Non-Renewal a). 5. New Hires a). Maximillian Arganbright (Lunchroom Supervisor) 6. Leave of Absence f) Extra Curricular Assignments g) Volunteer Coaches:
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A.6. Acceptance of Gifts
Board Chair
Board approves donations received:
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Board Chair
During the Public Forum any person may address the School Board on a topic of interest or concern. Listed below are the procedures.
1. Public Forum will follow the Procedural Items on the agenda. 2. Public Forum will be open up to 30 minutes (3 minutes per speaker, 10 minutes per topic, and no more than 3 speakers per topic as a general rule). Comments should be brief, and repetition of public comments already expressed at the same meeting should be avoided. 3. Those wishing to address the Board should fill out the Public Forum Speaker Card and submit the card to the School Board clerk or other district official at the meeting 4. Questions may be asked on any topic, including those on the agenda. 5. School District policy and data privacy laws preclude the Board from publicly discussing personnel matters or data, including information, which, if discussed in a public meeting could violate law or policy. Under School Board Policy 206, complaints or concerns regarding individual school district employees should be presented in writing to school administration and signed by the person submitting the complaint or concern. 6. An attempt will be made to answer questions addressed to the Board. In those cases where an answer is not provided, a phone call from an appropriate school district official will be made as a follow-up. 7. A handout on the purpose of School Board meetings and the meeting process is available at each School Board meeting. 8. Citizens may be asked to address the school board on a particular subject during the discussion of that item. 9. The School Board chairperson will attempt to reasonably honor requests to speak, but shall also exercise discretion with regard to time constraints and therefore may limit the number of requests to speak accordingly. |
Board Chair
C.1. Student Council
Board Chair
C.2. Student Representative
Board Chair
C.3. Superintendent
Board Chair
Bills Introductions of Interest
Note: This list is not intended to be an exhaustive list but instead a list of bills aligned with the legislative platform, other bills that are likely to be heard, or that you might hear about locally. HF31, Adjusting school compensatory revenue calculations, modifying site-based spending rules, establishing a task force, updating Read Act training requirements, funding teacher training, and increasing summer term unemployment aid. HF51, Authorizing roof projects as part of the long-term facilities maintenance program; appropriating money. HF52, Increasing funding for pupil transportation; appropriating money. HF53, Amending the transportation sparsity revenue. HF56, Creating a safe schools aid; repealing student support personnel aid; appropriating money. HF57, Increasing special education cross-subsidy aid. HF61, Modifying requirements for students with mental illness; requiring mental health instruction; providing for youth sports program training on mental illness and suicide prevention; reinstating restrictive procedures work group. HF409, Increasing local optional revenue; increasing the aid amount; appropriating money. HF515, Increasing the general education basic formula allowance by an additional three percent per year. HF518, Repealing the American Indian mascot prohibition. HF519, Amending exemption requirements for American Indian mascots. HF535, Broadening the natural disaster debt service equalization aid program to assist school districts with a high percentage of property excluded from the tax rolls. HF630, Extending the short-call substitute teacher pilot program. HF744, Modifying professional development requirements for Read Act implementation. HF745, Calculating a school's compensatory revenue eligibility using both direct certification and the application of education benefits; modifying the percent of compensatory revenue spent at each site under certain conditions; establishing a Compensatory Revenue Task Force. SF1197: Establishing school district seasonal tax base replacement aid. SF1198: Authorizing roof projects as part of the long-term facilities maintenance program. SF1254: Increasing school district local optional revenue; indexing the local optional revenue program to the formula allowance. SF1275: Linking extended time revenue to increases in the general education basic formula allowance. SF1318: Modifying the allowed uses of long-term facilities maintenance revenue to include school safety facility enhancements. SF1336: Allowing a school year to start before Labor Day for two school years. SF1404: Modifying American Indian mascot exemption requirements; establishing a process for schools to apply for mascot replacement assistance.Bills Introductions of Interest Note: This list is not intended to be an exhaustive list but instead a list of bills aligned with the legislative platform, other bills that are likely to be heard, or that you might hear about locally. HF31, Adjusting school compensatory revenue calculations, modifying site-based spending rules, establishing a task force, updating Read Act training requirements, funding teacher training, and increasing summer term unemployment aid. HF51, Authorizing roof projects as part of the long-term facilities maintenance program; appropriating money. HF52, Increasing funding for pupil transportation; appropriating money. HF53, Amending the transportation sparsity revenue. HF56, Creating a safe schools aid; repealing student support personnel aid; appropriating money. HF57, Increasing special education cross-subsidy aid. HF61, Modifying requirements for students with mental illness; requiring mental health instruction; providing for youth sports program training on mental illness and suicide prevention; reinstating restrictive procedures work group. HF409, Increasing local optional revenue; increasing the aid amount; appropriating money. HF515, Increasing the general education basic formula allowance by an additional three percent per year. HF518, Repealing the American Indian mascot prohibition. HF519, Amending exemption requirements for American Indian mascots. HF535, Broadening the natural disaster debt service equalization aid program to assist school districts with a high percentage of property excluded from the tax rolls. HF630, Extending the short-call substitute teacher pilot program. HF744, Modifying professional development requirements for Read Act implementation. HF745, Calculating a school's compensatory revenue eligibility using both direct certification and the application of education benefits; modifying the percent of compensatory revenue spent at each site under certain conditions; establishing a Compensatory Revenue Task Force. SF1197: Establishing school district seasonal tax base replacement aid. SF1198: Authorizing roof projects as part of the long-term facilities maintenance program. SF1254: Increasing school district local optional revenue; indexing the local optional revenue program to the formula allowance. SF1275: Linking extended time revenue to increases in the general education basic formula allowance. SF1318: Modifying the allowed uses of long-term facilities maintenance revenue to include school safety facility enhancements. SF1336: Allowing a school year to start before Labor Day for two school years. SF1404: Modifying American Indian mascot exemption requirements; establishing a process for schools to apply for mascot replacement assistance.
C.4. Board
Board Chair
Minnesota State High School League
Representative: Krueger; Alt: Erickson Community Education Board Representatives: Kelly, Kroells Southwest Metro Educational Coop Representative: Perlbachs Alt: Kroells Community Development/County & City Liaison Representative: Eischens; Alt: Erickson Finance Committee Representative: Perlbachs: Alt: Eischens Policy Committee: Representatives: Erickson, Kelly, Kroells ___________________________________ Negotiation Committees: MN School Employees Association: Representatives: Erickson, Eischens Teachers Association: Representatives: Krueger, Kelly, Perlbachs Superintendent: Representatives: Erickson, Kroells, Eischens Principals/Administration: Representatives Erickson, Eischens Non-Union Support Staff, Technology Director, Community Ed. Director: Representatives Kelly, Kroells, Krueger |
Board Chair
D.1. First Reading of Policies:
506: Student Discipline 515: Protection and Privacy of Student Records 519: Interviews of Students by Outside Agencies 533: Wellness
Each year the MN School Board Association's Legal Team keeps school districts informed what required, legal, and recommended polices a district should adopt. The school board has a policy committee which looks at and makes recommendations to the board on what changes to adopt. Typically, policies are heard in a "first reading" which is notice that the policies are being reviewed, and then a "second reading" is completed the following meeting to adopt the new language. Policies that are not brought back for a second reading are either not adopted or reverted back to the original language at last adoption. This is governance work by the board.
D.2. Winter Weather Boot Camp
Superintendent Schochenmaier is going to brief the board on how weather-related decisions are made.
D.3. FY2026 Budget Parameters
Board Chair
E.1. Discussion and Consideration of Candidates to Fill Board Vacancy
The board will discuss the merits of each candidate from the board interviews earlier in the evening. One candidate will be selected.
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E.2. FY2025 Budget Revision
Superintendent Schochenmaier will brief the board on a revisions to the FY25 budget.
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Board Chair
Board Chair