February 26, 2025 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
I. Call Regular Meeting to Order
II. Open of Meeting
This shall provide general notice that, during the course of the meeting, the Board may elect to discuss any item on the agenda in closed session in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Government Code, Chapter 551, Subchapters D and E. Before any closed meeting is convened, the presiding officer will publicly identify the section or sections of the Act which authorize the closed meeting. All votes, actions or decisions will be taken in open session. The Board may convene in closed session under one or more of the following exceptions within the Texas Government Code: Consultations with Attorney - Section 551.071; Deliberations about Real Property - 551.072; Deliberation Regarding Prospective Gifts; Personnel Matters - Section 551.074; Deliberations Regarding Security Devices or Security Audits - Section 551.076; Certain School Board Deliberations - Sections 551.082, 551.0821, 551.083; Deliberation Regarding Economic Development Negotiations - Section 551.087. This shall also provide notice that any item listed as a closed session agenda item may be moved to open session. |
III. Roll Call
IV. Pledge Of Allegiance and Texas Pledge
V. Citizens Reports or Requests
VI. Awards and Recognition
Elsa V. Morris
Elementary and Middle School UIL Awards
Boys Basketball Playoff Recognitions Girls Basketball Playoff (State Regional Quarter Finals) Teacher Incentive Allotment/TIA Teachers |
VII. Approve Minutes from Previous Meeting(s): Regular Meeting January 22;
Special Board Meetings on January 13, January 14 and January 20, and February 11, 2025 |
VIII. Financial Reports
Leonel Olivarez
VIII.A. Tax Collectors Report
Leonel Olivarez
VIII.B. Expenditures/Check Report
Elsa V. Morris
VIII.C. Revenue to Budget Comparison
Leonel Olivarez
VIII.D. Cash On Hand
Leonel Olivarez
IX. Administration Reports
IX.A. Principal's Report
IX.A.1. Update on High School Science classes
IX.A.2. Update on Senior Trip
IX.B. Curriculum Report
Elsa V. Morris
State adopted Curriculum Options
Eureka Math (currently implementing) Bluebonnet Learning Transition Plans HB 1605: included Texas Education Code 31.0752 that requires TEA to provide a program to assist school systems in using open education resource instructional materials. This program provides funding that covers the cost of training for teachers, principals, and district leaders on how to best use the state’s Bluebonnet Learning instructional materials. LASO 3 Grant Notification (February 20, 2025) Strong Foundation Implementation $200,000 Tech Learning Grant $81,000 Explore adding Pre-K 3 (Survey interest form) |
IX.C. Superintendent Follow-Up
IX.C.1. Update and Discussion on the Changes in Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the Impact on Public Schools.
Elsa V. Morris
Region I Superintendents met on February 14, 2025 at STISD with Border Patrol and Homeland Security Investigations.
Border Patrol operations at the checkpoint have not changed. Everyone that crosses the checkpoint is subject to inspection. They are not questioning individual students on the buses. However, target investigations are ongoing investigations that may target individuals for alleged criminal activity. Border Patrol has scaled back community events at this time in order to keep tensions down with the current ongoing immigration issues. Homeland Security Investigations will try to work with families when children are involved to keep the children with a family member. Authorities will communicate with local law enforcement and school districts if they need to work in the vicinity. Keeping everyone safe is important at this time and federal agencies will continue to work with school districts. |
X. Board Matters
XI. Update on TASB Risk Fund February Meeting
Velinda Reyes
XII. Action Agenda
XII.A. Discussion and Possible Action on budget amendments
XII.B. Discussion and Possible Action on Donations
XIII. Discussion and Possible Approval of Local Policy Update 124
XIV. Discussion and Possible approval of changes to Local Policy CH and CV.
XV. Approval of Rural Pathway Excellence Partnership Program (R-PEP) Partnership with Rio Grande City Grulla ISD and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
The San Isidro ISD Administration has collaborated with Rio Grande City Grulla ISD to establish the Rural Pathway Excellence Partnership Program (R-PEP). This partnership aims to enhance educational opportunities for students in both districts by providing access to post-secondary education pathways, career readiness initiatives, and additional academic support services. The program is designed to address the unique needs of rural students and improve their transition from high school to higher education and the workforce. As part of this partnership, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been developed to formalize the collaborative efforts between the two districts.
XVI. Nomination and Approval of School Board Member to Serve on the R-PEP Advisory Board
As part of the Rural Pathway Excellence Partnership Program (R-PEP), an Advisory Board has been established to oversee the implementation and progress of the program. The Advisory Board will consist of key stakeholders from both San Isidro ISD and Rio Grande City Grulla ISD. It is recommended that the Board nominate and approve a current Board member to represent the district on the R-PEP Advisory Board. |
XVII. Discussion and possible action on the approval of TASB Risk Fund in the amount of $98,267.00
XVIII. AG Regional Money
XIX. Security Updates
School Safety Grant Reporting and Grant Extension
TEA will be launching the next cycle of programmatic grant reporting through Sentinel starting January 30, 2025, and ending March 7, 2025. The programmatic grant reporting will collect information about current grant expenditures from school systems. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) will be extending the School Safety Standards Formula Grant (SSSFG) to April 30, 2026, through authorization from the Texas Legislature. |
XX. Closed Session: In accordance with Texas Governmnent Code (Open Meetings Act) the Board may move into closed session for the following reasons: Section 551.071- For the purpose of a private consultation with the Board's attorney on any or all subjects or matters authorized by law. Section 551.074- For the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee or to hear complaints or charges against a public officer or employee. Section 551.082- Certain school board deliberations.
XX.A. Discussion on Hiring of Contracted Personnel
XX.B. Discussion on RFQ and process for renovations and possible upgrades to school facilities and related matters
XXI. Reconvene Into Open Session
XXII. Action On Items Discussed in Closed Session
XXII.A. Discussion and Possible Action on Hiring of Contracted Personnel
XXII.B. Discussion and possible action on RFQ and process for renovations and possible upgrades to school facilities and related matters
XXIII. Adjournment