June 26, 2012 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
I. Call Meeting to Order
II. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting
III. Citizens Reports or Requests
IV. Tax Collectors Report
V. Approval of Bills
VI. Financial Report
VII. Superintendent's Report
VII.A. Principal's Report
VII.B. Budget Workshop Dates
VII.C. School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) 2011-2012 Annual Report
VIII. Action Items
VIII.A. Discuss and act on approving Employee Handbook
VIII.B. Discuss and act on approving revised 2012-2013 School Calendar
VIII.C. Discuss and act on advertising for teacher vacancy
IX. Closed Session
IX.A. Discuss on hiring of the following personnel:
IX.A.1. Business Manager Clerk
IX.A.2. Tax Collector Clerk
IX.A.3. Deputy Tax Collector
IX.A.4. High School/Superintendent Secretary
IX.A.5. Elem./Jr. High Secretary
IX.A.6. Lifeguard
X. Action on Closed Session
X.A. Discuss and Act on hiring of the following personnel
X.A.1. Business Manager Clerk
X.A.2. Tax Collector Clerk
X.A.3. Deputy Tax Collector
X.A.4. High School/Superintendent Secretary
X.A.5. Elem./Jr. High Secretary
X.A.6. Lifeguard
XI. Adjournment