July 25, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
I. Establish Quorum
I.A. Call to Order
I.B. Invocation
I.C. Welcome Guests/Public Forum
II. Routine District Operations
II.A. Consent Agenda
II.A.1. Minutes, June 9, 2022
II.B. Financial Report
II.B.1. Bills/Checks
II.B.2. Investment/Financial Report
III. Administrative Reports/Non Consent Items
III.A. Athletic Directors Report
III.B. Principal's Reports
III.B.1. STAAR Report
III.B.2. 2022-2023 Anton ISD Handbooks
III.B.3. T-TESS 2022-2023 Appraisal Calendar
III.C. Superintendent's Report
III.C.1. Plumbing Repairs
III.C.2. Personnel Needs
III.C.3. 2022-2023 Anton ISD Employee Handbook
III.C.4. Hockley County 2022 Certified Values
III.C.5. TASA/TASB Convention Sept. 22 - Sept. 25 in San Antonio, TX
Rservations at Marriott River Center Hotel |
IV. Other Board Action/Non-Action Items
IV.A. Consideration and possible action to approve the proposed 2022-2023 Anton ISD student handbook, with updated ranking policy.
IV.B. Consideration and possible action to approve the proposed 2022-2023 Anton ISD Student Code of Conduct.
IV.C. Consideration and possible action to Approve the 2022-2023 Anton ISD T-TESS Teacher Appraisal Calendar.
IV.D. Consideration and possible action to approve the proposed 2022-2023 Anton ISD Employee handbook.
IV.E. Consideration and possible action to approve Superintendent John York to continue serving as the treasurer of the Texas Six Man Coaches Association as permitted in his contract in section 5(c)(vi) relating to Civic Activities with Board Approval.
IV.F. Consideration and possible action to approve the date and time for the Public Hearing to review the proposed tax rate and budget for the 2022-2023 school year. (recommendation--Tuesday, August 30, @ 6:30 PM)
IV.G. Consideration and action to approve the date and time for the annual meeting to set the tax rate and adopt the budget for the 2022-2023 school year. (recommendation--Tuesday, August 30, @ 7:00 PM)
IV.H. Discussion and possible action to pursue selling or destroying old computers, band equipment, old desks and other materials being stored in classrooms not currently being used due to possible safety issues.
IV.I. Closed /Executive Session
IV.J. Personnel--Consideration and possible action to approve Closed/Executive Session Items.
IV.J.1. Resignations-- Consideration and possible action to approve the resignation of Nancy Webb.
IV.J.1.a. Consideration and possible action to approve the resignation of Temple Reinhart.
IV.J.2. New Hires: Consideration and possible action to confirm and approve Superintendent John York's hiring of:
1. Frederick Tobias Jr.--High School Principal on a 12-month contract. 2. Megan Scroggins---Elementary School Principal on an 11-month contract. 3. Adeline York--1st grade teacher on a 1-year Probationary Educator Contract. |
IV.K. Discussion and Consideration to hire a HS English Teacher on a 1-year Probationary Educator Contract.
IV.L. Consideration and Possible Action to continue the Interlocal Agreement with the Hale County Juvenile Probation Department for DAEP
IV.M. Consideration and possible action concerning the Anton ISD Guardian Plan for the 2022-2023 school year to determine the number of desired members for the Guardian Team.
IV.N. Consideration and possible action to approve Superintendent, John York as a member of the Anton ISD Guardian team allowing him to possess firearms on school grounds and at school related activities.
V. Budget Workshop
VI. Adjournment