February 24, 2025 at 6:00 PM - EMHS GC February 2025
Minutes | |
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Adoption of Agenda
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
IV. Approval of Consent Agenda
Note: The purpose and rational for use of a "consent agenda" can be found by accessing the following link.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
IV.A. Budget Adjustment Requests
IV.B. Monthly Financial Report, Check and Voucher Report, Minutes from Finance Committee
IV.C. Approval of previous meeting's minutes
IV.D. Disposal Items
V. Public Forum/Public Input
VI. Reports
VI.A. Student Report
No student report.
VI.B. Executive Director
Trey reported on school happenings and expansion. (see attachment)
Amanda Millea and Tamara Marcelain presented on the functions of the Guidance Dept. (see attachment) Members of the GC praised the Guidance Office for the quality of their work. |
VI.C. Faculty Liason
Laurel LeGate presented on some of the college and career feedback presented by faculty.
Specifically, the senior seminar class discusses the profile of a graduate reflection activity. |
VII. Discussion or Information Items (No action required)
VII.A. Readiness Review Report
ODP was commissioned by PCSNM to provide a readiness report as part of the $1.5 million expansion grant.
After interviewing parent, student, faculty focus groups and vising the school, the attached report was drafted. There was some discussion on the strengths and weaknesses listed in the report. Laurel LeGate emphasized the "secret sauce" of the school as the level of teacher autonomy balanced with heavy collaboration. |
VII.B. School Climate Survey Results
Trey presented on the school climate report results.
VII.C. Acknowledgment of a board member's role in an external contract with the Foundation.
Judith Becker is currently involved in the traffic impact analysis conducted by Tierra West. The Foundation is contracted with SMPC and Tierra West to complete this study as part of the school's construction expansion. Neither the school or the Governing Council are engaged with this contract, so there is no conflict of interest regarding this contract.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
VIII. Parking Lot Items for Future GC Meetings
IX. GC Board Member Comments
X. Chair's Report/Comment
XI. Next Meeting Announcement
The next meeting is scheduled for March 31.
XII. Adjournment
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.